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Friday, August 18, 2017

First Slave Owner

Anthony Johnson (b. c. 1600 – d. 1670) was a black Angolan who achieved freedom in the early 17th-century Colony of Virginia after serving his term of indenture. He became one of the first property owners and slaveholders of African birth there. Held as an indentured servant in 1621, he earned his freedom after several years, and was granted land by the colony.

He later became a successful tobacco farmer in Maryland. He attained great wealth after having been an indentured servant and has been referred to as “'the black patriarch' of the first community of Negro property owners in America".

Johnson was captured in his native Angola by an enemy tribe and sold to Arab slave traders. He was eventually sold as an indentured servant to a merchant working for the Virginia Company.

He arrived in Virginia in 1621 aboard the James. The Virginia Muster (census) of 1624 lists his name as "Antonio not given," recorded as "a Negro" in the "notes" column. There is some dispute among historians as to whether this was the Antonio later known as Anthony Johnson, as the census lists several "Antonios." This one is considered the most likely.

Johnson was sold to a white planter named Bennet as an indentured servant to work on his Virginia tobacco farm. Servants typically worked under an indenture contract for four to seven years to pay off their passage, room, board, lodging and freedom dues. In the early colonial years, most Africans in the Thirteen Colonies were held under such contracts of indentured servitude. With the exception of those indentured for life, they were released after a contracted period with many of the indentured receiving land and equipment after their contracts expired or were bought out. Most white laborers also came to the colony as indentured servants.

Antonio almost lost his life in the Indian massacre of 1622 when his master's plantation was attacked. The Powhatan, who were the Native Americans dominant in the Tidewater of Virginia, were trying to repulse the colonists from their lands. They attacked the settlement where Johnson worked on Good Friday and killed 52 of the 57 men.

The following year (1623) "Mary, a Negro" arrived from England aboard the ship Margaret. She was brought to work on the same plantation as Antonio, where she was the only woman. Antonio and Mary married and lived together for more than forty years.


Publishers Notes: While living in Virginia, Johnson was the owner of 5 indentured servants, (4 white 1 black).  Later in life he lived in Somerset County, Maryland


  1. This is history too, even blacks had and sold slaves, they also were given or bought land after the Civil War. If everyone would just calm down and really read our history this racist war now would be over. They also fought in the Civil War on both sides, their children were educated same as the white children on the farms. The Civil War if you reread history you will find out was a war of brother against brother, in the same families brothers took both sides. The main thing to remember is we need to stand together shoulder to shoulder and love one another. Don't let these war monger groups stir the pot any more.

  2. I want to work for someone for 7 years so they will give me a few acres of land.

  3. OMG!!! This has to be fake news! lol Thats it! I am white and I am owed something because my ancestors were enslaved by a black man! I am entitled to anything I ask for due to this horrible ordeal waaaaaay back in 1621!!! This is "exactly" why we cannot erase history. People need to take the blinders off and see history for what it really was and learn from it moving forward. Forward!! The past is just that. I knew this as I am a history buff but it is awesome that SBY news has posted it. Wish WBOC or MSM would air this just to shut some of those folks up that are just ignorant to the facts. Not being mean or racist here. Its just the facts. FACTS! If you erase history it will indeed repeat itself.

  4. Arabs still trade in slavery.

  5. harriet tubman and the underground railroad are all results of slavery. There fore, the harriet tubman museum in Blackwater must be removed! They remind me of our racist past!!

  6. It's not good 10:00, I worked (slaved) seven years several times. But was freed by divorce. Didn't get the land though.

  7. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson had slaves and were, if nothing else, institutional racists so I demand that the Washington Monument and the Jefferson Memorial be torn down. (see how stupid that sounds?)

    1. As a Republican I say let's do it ?

  8. Just a matter of time before White liberals hold blacks accountable for slavery.

  9. So we're are the White ancestors REPERATIONS.$$$$$

  10. Why wasn't I taught about this is school?

  11. 1220 there's the AH HA moment!

  12. Why are we no longer talking about Russia???

    HAPPY TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Does anyone know the present location of his farm called Tories Vineyard in Somerset County, MD.?

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Why are we no longer talking about Russia???

    HAPPY TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    August 18, 2017 at 12:35 PM

    They finally realized it was a nothing burger and switched to monuments.

  15. Oh but it's ok if he was a slave owner because he's black. The blacks only disapprove of the people who were white slave owners.

  16. Careful what you say! Only blacks are permitted to complain about being slaves under whites.

    Me? I'm thinking about creating a white Action Network like you know who.


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