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Thursday, August 03, 2017

Feminist Black Lives Matter writer isn’t sure white men should have the privilege to vote

Malia Rolt, a self-proclaimed “hardcore feminist,” supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement, and LGBTQ rights advocate wrote an article in the latest edition of Affinity magazine in which she seriously questioned the rights of white men to vote in the United States.

In a piece titled “Do White Men Really Deserve to Vote?”, Rolt wrote, “Now, history lessons aside; many people who disagree so far might be thinking, ‘Yes, all this injustice that happened in the past was undoubtedly awful. However, two wrongs don’t make a right.’ However one can’t be sure if withdrawing the white man’s vote could be considered a ‘wrong.'”

“Historically, white men have had few problems voting and the way things are going, they will never understand the kind of injustice others have faced,” Rolt explained.



  1. Mental illness is very sad disease

  2. OMG, if they want their lives to matter then stop this bull stuff. I am so very tied of hearing about them. If you want to matter then get out and work your ass off like the rest of us. Stop saying it is the white people that are holding you back when you know it is yourself that is doing it. Stop thinking that you are that we owe you anything and start earning it for yourself. (map)

  3. Without white men she would starve.

  4. Never get into a battle of wits with an unarmed foe. Best to let them banter on than to engage.

  5. I guess I kind of see where she is coming from but it is 2017 already. I treat my wife with the upmost respect, and treat minorities the same. I feel oppressed every time I go to Walmart or Royal farms and see people with the ebt card with a full cart of groceries and I am paying for my food with my credit card. In this day and age why would you be advocating for any race to be oppressed. Just a stupid story that makes a peaceful man angry. But the Republicans are racist? BS. Awesome rally tonight. Trump 2020

  6. This white male votes to throw her out of the country.

  7. The really unfortunate thing about all of this is this person has no clue what people endured during the 1800s. She has no concept other than what is portrayed by Hollywood and reenacted on TV. The solution is not remuneration to an ethnicity for past misdeeds but what was accomplished in the 1960s in the form of equal rights. That having been said, it is incumbent on folks to step up to the advantage and grab the bull by the horns and get educated whether it be university or trade school and become contributing partners in this country. Entitlement is not a victory nor should it be any kind of means of support.


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