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Thursday, August 24, 2017

Dems demand Trump pull nominee who called Obama officials ‘racist’

Democrats’ have identified their next target among President Trump’s slate of obstructed nominees, demanding the White House withdraw the appointment of Samuel H. Clovis Jr. to be an undersecretary at the Agriculture Department.

Citing comments from Mr. Clovis they said amounted to “hate” toward the gay community, Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer and Sen. Brian Schatz urged the cancellation of his nomination.

Mr. Clovis is a White House adviser on agriculture issues, and was chief policy adviser on the Trump campaign before that. He has also been an economics professor.

The president nominated him a month ago to be undersecretary for research, education and economics at the Agriculture Department.

But Mr. Schumer and Mr. Schatz pointed said he’s disqualified himself by past comments when he was a talk radio show host calling former Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. “corrupt” and labeling him a “racist bigot” for the way the top Obama lawyer ran the Justice Department. The senators also pointed to comments calling then-Labor Secretary Tom Perez a “racist Latino.”

More here


  1. So this guy supposedly calls Obama a "racist", but yet the lady out west says the sitting President should be assassinated. What happened to her?

  2. Aww Chuckys upset. Sometimes the truth hurts 😂

  3. Where's the issue? Can't call a black man racist??

  4. Holder was and is a racist, lying , justice obstructing bastard who was held in contempt of Congress. He would not recuse himself from any illegal matters pertaining to obama so there were no special prosecutors when we needed them as opposed to now when we dont..

  5. What are the Democrats doing to Pres. Trump. Boy is this the "pot calling the Kettle black".


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