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Friday, August 25, 2017

Davis Speaks Up For Officers In Third Problematic Body-Camera Video

Baltimore Police Commissioner Kevin Davis held a Thursday press conference to register his strong objections to State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby dropping charges in dozens of cases tied to a third problematic body camera video.

"I remain committed to getting it right in Baltimore. At times, however, we fall short," Davis said. "We must not misconstrue mistakes in judgment by police officers as criminality."

Davis said that since the body camera program began, 62 officers have been disciplined for not having their cameras on when they should, 14 more have been disciplined for caught-on-camera misconduct and one has been fired. However, he unequivocally defended the officers as the department showed the relevant video and audio to reporters.


1 comment:

  1. Sheds a little light on the TV station teaser "Film at 11".


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