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Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Crime-ridden Chicago sues DOJ over sanctuary cities

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel sued the Trump administration Monday over its threat to withhold funds from sanctuary cities, prompting one official to charge Emanuel is more concerned about protecting illegal immigrants than legal residents of his beleaguered city.

The showdown over so-called sanctuary cities has been heating up in recent months as some local governments have refused to work with federal immigration authorities. Monday's 46-page suit, filed inU.SD. District Court for the Northern District of Ilinois, named Attorney General Jeff Sessions as the defendant.

Emanuel argues that the Justice Department wants to slap unfair conditions on a long-running federal crime prevention grant, the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant.



  1. Another liberal thug.

  2. Fools > Federal Gov't Rules > get used to it !!!!!!!!


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