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Monday, August 21, 2017

County officials flock to Ocean City to snooze, schmooze

By Len Lazarick

As they’ve done since the 1970s, hundreds of county officials flocked to the Ocean City Convention Center this past week to snooze and schmooze at the annual summer conference of the Maryland Association of Counties (MACo).

Snooze is what most of their constituents would be doing at the scores of conference sessions on the nitty-gritty of local government, from planning and appeals to hiring and tourism. Attendance is actually quite good, and some sessions are packed.

Schmooze is what the county officials do in the casual atmosphere of a chilly convention center and at the many receptions that begin in the late afternoon and stretch into the wee hours, with open bars and free food.



  1. You forgot "booze".

  2. Wasted a lot of tax dollars.

  3. Saw Larry Hogan there yesterday. I was non the tram and he walked by. Took a second to realize who it was.

  4. 4:35 PM - NOBODY from the Town uses the mass transit so your sighting of Hogan was significant even if he wasn't using it either.

  5. And show off their genitals, LOL!

  6. City FAIL in all their glory!



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