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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Charlottesville May Put the Brakes on Campus Free Speech Laws

The sight of white supremacists marching through the heart of the University of Virginia, carrying flaming Tiki torches and shouting “Jews will not replace us!” — followed by the killing of a counterprotester at a rally in downtown Charlottesville the next day — may put the brakes on state efforts to strengthen campus free speech protections.

At least seven states (Arizona, Colorado, Missouri, North Carolina, Tennessee, Utah and Virginia) have enacted such laws since 2014, and many other states considered them this year. But the death of 32-year-old Heather Heyer in Charlottesville this month showed how hateful speech can lead to violence. That might prompt lawmakers to rethink how such bills are written or whether to support them at all.

"It has been really distressing and upsetting to watch violence used against protesters, and I expect that to have a profound effect on how lawmakers view these issues,” said Joe Cohn, legislative and policy director for the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, a nonpartisan group that helps lawmakers write free speech bills.

After Charlottesville, he said, “I think that my work may be cut out for me.”



  1. You see? I said this. Inevitable. Obamas brain iniative caused liberals to stop. Conservatibe flag = symbol = right = gio. Not rasist. Just happy symbols.

    1. "Conservatibe flag = symbol = right = gio." WTF? "Not rasist." What is rasist? What are you referring to as happy symbols? This post is about freedom of speech being challenged, so what are happy symbols? Finally, are you on medication?

  2. Jim Jones, Hate to be a grammar jerk, but no one can understand what you are saying, "Sweet One." Obama caused liberals to stop what?

    What do you mean you said this? You foretold the events of Charlottesville? What is a Conservatibe flag? Wierd, dude.

    1. Yes, yes ! My words have been heard !! Why you say Jim johns Hopkins university brain8!@

    2. 7:46 WHAT????!!!!

  3. Both the "white supremacists and the Antifa's had probably answered different ads on Craigslist written by the same group, Soros. These were ACTORS, being paid, supplied with a set of torches and clubs to riot for money.

    Shouting "fire" in a theater is all they were doing.

  4. Think about This. Removing the statues is NOT about the Confederacy. NOT about slavery. NOT about racism.


  5. Wow, this discussion caused all different kinds of brain cells to fire.

    May have to get some pop-corn and enjoy the rest of the show from the upper balcony!!!

    1. 12:37 Man! You just have no idea how not funny you are!


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