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Friday, August 25, 2017

Charlottesville fallout: Confederate flag sales hike

A company that makes Confederate flags, Alabama Flag & Banner, reported an increase in sales post-Charlottesville — post-leftist mayhem and madness over monuments and statues that tell our nation’s history.

This is predictable. Even Yankees, the fighters for the Union side, don’t like being told what to think. And the course the left has been on lately is marked entirely by signs that say the likes of, “Robert E. Lee is a pig,” “Confederate flags are for neo-Nazis,” and “Thomas Jefferson must go.”

Those who try to argue otherwise — those who try to express the view that protesters of all ilks, from Black Lives Matter to the KKK, have First Amendment rights, or that monuments shouldn’t be destroyed simply because they bring up bad feelings in some — are immediately branded as white nationalists, KKK sympathizers, neo-Nazi organizers.

And Americans, whether Northerners or Southerners, just don’t like being tossed on a trash heap that way. They don’t like being shoved in a box created by the rabidly left and wrongfully labeled a hater, when they’re really a patriot, a lover of the Constitution, a believer in law and order.



  1. I just called and ordered one. very nice people down there in 'Bama country.
    Roll Tide!

  2. I always buy another gun when a politician pushes for more gun control. Boy do I have a bunch of them.

  3. Whats really irritating to the NASCAR fans left, like myself, first was the Truck series mess. And now I understand no Confederate flags will be allowed at races. Which from my experience you could easily see 100 to 200 at a race on any given Sunday.
    I really thought NASCAR would hold it's ground against all the PC crap. Their base is the south, and they are alienating us. We are now against what they are doing. It could be the last nail in the coffin for NASCAR. People will continue to drift away with this weeks developments.
    These owners, in every sport, (is hockey next, it's all that's left) need to cut the crap and stand up to these minorities shoving this down our throats.

  4. 12:44 absolutely. All these CEO's can talk values all they want to appease the MSM and avoid the blackmailing identity politic game, but will cave when the revenues start to drop.
    We should all stand up and make a say on NASCAR and the NFL. Let's see what happens then! Let's start a campaign to skip the opening game of the season. Seriously, if we all skip it, there won't be any more kneeling going on. I guarantee it.
    Advertisers will scatter faster than ICE showing up at a construction site.

  5. Land of the free WHAT can't own certain flags can't wear certain clothes it might offend someone. Sorry pay my bills then tell me what to do. I could go on and on.


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