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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Cardin Praises Takedown of Historic Monuments in Baltimore and Annapolis

On the Sunday morning Fox News show, our own Senator Ben heaped kudos on Gov. Hogan and the mayor of Baltimore for removing the statues of Confederate generals and Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Taney. And he went out of his way to dump on President Trump and Sen. Mike Miller for voicing opposition to those or similar events.


  1. People who are complaining about 'erasing history' by removing stupid statues would be surprised by existence of books.

  2. When a democrat is praising a republican it is proof that the republican has made a major blunder. Hogan blew it on this one and should be held accountable. The only way to redeem himself in my opinion is to push for citizens gun rights and the right to carry. If he doesn't he should certainly not be reelected.

  3. 11:02 wow thanks Alex for stealing my comment from last week

  4. Food for thought...
    Step 1) Remove statues
    Step 2) Remove the founders because they were slave holders
    Step 3) Need to destroy the Constitution due to the fact it was written by the founders
    Step 4) US Government doctrine will be rewritten

    And then Americans you will be in complete control of the Government. All of your Rights and freedoms will be gone courtesy of the Democrats!!!!!!


  5. Ben Cardin: Professional life-long office holder; has lived in a bubble. No clue whatsoever!

  6. All this from Ben Cardin, a man who has managed to reach a ripe old age without ever holding a real job in his entire life. You can look it up; after graduation from college he took his father's seat in the Maryland legislature and has continued to suck off taxpayers his entire life.

  7. Ben Cardin is a statue that needs to be removed. Great example of the need for term limits.

  8. This is no surprise! A career politician who falls in line with the latest liberal lunacy. Erasing history how brilliant! People like him prove their lack of intellect.

  9. But he visits and supports Harriet Tubman memorial and statue. Is this not prejudicial, hypocritical, discriminatory? This shows his two faced policies at it's best.

  10. Maryland citizens sure are stupid, aren't they? I mean, they CONTINUALLY send these types of people to be LEADERS, representatives of how Marylanders wish to live and the types of things they believe.


  11. An embarrassing loud mouth for the state of Maryland

  12. 1:22...not all people in Maryland...some of have sense... if they removed all statues, most of congress would be gone

  13. 11:09, do you assume that you are the only one who is familiar with existence of books? It's pretty sad that more people don't realize that.

  14. Let's make sure we take down all the black races statues also.!!!! Don't be races and take them all down!!!!!

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    1:22...not all people in Maryland...some of have sense... if they removed all statues, most of congress would be gone

    August 21, 2017 at 1:38 PM

    Maybe, but the majority elect people. I don't quite understand what you mean by if they removed all statues, most of congress would be gone.

    Could you elaborate?

  16. Anonymous Alex said...
    11:09, do you assume that you are the only one who is familiar with existence of books? It's pretty sad that more people don't realize that.

    August 21, 2017 at 1:54 PM

    It wouldn't help much just realizing there are books, they would have to be READ for any benefit.


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