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Sunday, August 20, 2017

Breaking News: Baltimore quietly took down Confederate statues overnight 8-16-17

Statues dedicated to Confederate heroes were swiftly removed across Baltimore in the small hours of Wednesday morning, just days after violence broke out over the removal of a similar monument in neighboring Virginia.
Beginning soon after midnight on Wednesday, a crew, which included a large crane and a contingent of police officers, began making rounds of the city’s parks and public squares, tearing the monuments from their pedestals and carting them out of town.
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Statues dedicated to Confederate heroes were swiftly removed across Baltimore in the small hours of Wednesday morning, just days after violence broke out over the removal of a similar monument in neighboring Virginia.Beginning soon after midnight on Wednesday, a crew, which included a large crane and a contingent of police officers, began making rounds of the city’s parks and public squares, tearing the monuments from their pedestals and carting them out of town.Read More »


  1. I think this has all been planned. We are looking at the overthrow of the U.S. government in progress. Things are accelerating at a quicker pace. I cannot believe this is happening. Maybe we need to take down all the Harriet Tubman and Martin Luther King statues in response?

  2. These are disgusting tactics!

  3. 8:20 AM: You might be on to something. What happens when all of the Confederate statues are gone and only statues to people like Harriet Tubman and Dr. King remain? When children in the future start asking questions like "Who is Harriet Tubman and why is there a statue of her" or "What is so great about this guy MLK"? How will future historians explain all of this? Where is the baseline that we'll use to show how far it is that we've progressed as a society?

    If you're going to eradicate the history that you are offended by then you better be sure to eradicate both sides of that history so that no one will ever question anything. This is where serious mistakes are being made. Will future children in 50 years be born and raised thinking that our society has always had all of this multiculturalism and that blacks are still oppressed simply because they are? (Please take no offense, my fellow black readers, I'm simply making an analogy here).

    1. Then u ll know how black children felt going to musuems w/ nothing but white history in it. I dont agree w/ taking the statues but the racist all day bad mouthing of blacks is making it easier.

  4. Going to happen right here in Salisbury with the current pols

  5. What they don't realize is these actions reinvigorate iconic power that has long faded from this totems. I know where each of these sculptures are in Baltimore. I never associated them with anything but a long faded past and frankly appreciated them more as art than anything else. Not all art is safe and candy coated and meets everyone's approval. It often is controversial and thought provoking weather you like it or not. I just find it interesting that all these pigeon perches have sat static so long and are at the center of a similar divide that they are ghosts from in the first place. Soon Ronald McDonald will be the only public statue you see.

  6. This is great. Now there's no reason for any more murders. Just think of all the lives which could have been saved if this was done earlier. I think I'll take a leisurely stroll in west baltimore tonight and watch all the people gathering around singing kum bye ya!!!

  7. Charges should be made on all involved.

  8. Baltimore is below the dignity of the valiant men of the Confederacy. I nor my family will ever step foot or spend a nickle in that poor excuse for an American City. I dare say there are cities in Kenya that are less corrupt!If it wasn't for the hard work of taxpayers from the rest of the state Baltimore couldn't keep their lights on!

  9. "By 3:30 a.m., three of the city’s four monuments had been removed. They included the Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson Monument, a double equestrian statue of the Confederate generals erected in 1948; the Confederate Soldiers and Sailors Monument, erected in 1903; and the Roger B. Taney Monument, erected in 1887."
    Removing monuments of history - does not change that the history happened. Hopefully (probably dreaming) they have only been removed for safe keeping, and when things settle down will be brought back to the respective positions.

  10. So when they remove all "symbols of slavery" slavery will not have happened?

  11. Again I will say this as it is always true... Wither you like it or hate it, you people are allowing it to happen so anyone to blame is you, not the politicians who are doing this to tear us apart and to make you look left when they are doing evil to the right...

    You all know damn well how these politicians are, act and what they say... There is no surprise they do these things... The true surprise is how american just let it happen, then complain about letting it happen...

  12. Why weren't the scumbags on top of the platform where the statue was arrested for vandalism and destruction of public property?? Oh that's right it's Baltimore and they let destruction happen. Thank your nearest liberal friends everybody the regression of the country is well underway!!

  13. I'm for the violent groups fighting in favor of keeping the monuments in place since police have been ordered to stand down.Why is it such a big secret who gives the stand down orders and why haven't courts made decisions on this issue? The Supreme Court could nip this in the bud if they had a concern for the people vs a concern for their personal safety.Looks like we're in the early phases of a war.

  14. Rewriting history before our eyes.


  15. Roger Taney was never a Confederate. Calling his monument a Confederate monument is historically inaccurate.

    He had been Secretary of the Treasury and Attorney General before being appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in 1836. He held that position until his death in 1864.

    From Wikipedia:
    "Taney, a Jacksonian Democrat, was made Chief Justice by Jackson.[A] Taney was a believer in states' rights. He inherited slaves from his father but manumitted them and gave pensions to the older ones." Manumitted means freed them.

    Regarding the Dred Scott decision: It remains controversial to this day. But courts properly review claims, counter-claims and defenses against the written word of the cited and applicable laws when they form and write opinions and decisions. So the decision was based on existing law, however imperfect.

    Slavery is wrong despite its practice world-wide, in some fashion, across the ages and the world. But at the time slavery was legal in many of the states, and illegal in others.

    Dred Scott, a slave, had been taken by his owner to a 'free state' and petitioned the court to declare him free since he was now a resident there. The court declined but went further by stating he did not have standing to sue since the Constitution did not view his race as citizens or eligible to be citizens. It also struck down the Missouri Compromise of 1820.

    Taney was an advocate of letting states make decisions rather than increasing centralized power. Maryland remained a state permitting slavery up to the end of his life.

    Read the Wiki article and decide for yourself if he deserves the Baltimore Taliban treatment. I think hysterical, historically illiterate politicians are having their Pontius Pilate moment. History will be less kind to them than they assume.

  16. Comin for your guns next!

  17. This is what happens when you let a Democratic City Council vote on issues rather than have the vote of the people!

  18. Let the PROTESTERS arrive!!!

  19. Did they hire the Colts organization for the night move? They have the expertise.

  20. Sneaking around in the dark of night, erasing history. What's next? Books about slavery? Any book that references the Civil War? Any book that mentions Robert E. Lee's name? What about Thomas Jefferson, a former slave owner? He's definitely out. So, then William Jefferson Clinton also has to go, since he was named for him. Then the Clinton library has to be torn down. How many presidents through out history would make the cut? Well, since many of the founding fathers (wait!! isn't that sexist and therefore offensive?).... how many of the founding persons were slave owners? The Declaration of Independence is out. Constitution, gone. Let's keep going... how much of Washington DC was built using slave labor? Bye bye White House, Washington Monument. The Vietnam War was a blemish in American history, so let's get rid of that memorial too. Also, women were oppressed too. So, ALL statues of men in general should be removed. But wait, there's more................

  21. The Arlington National Cemetery is located on the Estate of Robert E. Lee. How are they going to tear that down?

  22. So now blacks are oppressed & offended by statues??? This does not advance their cause for so-called equality. MLK would be offended by what blacks are doing and demanding today. MLK was the darling of the blacks when he was alive, but they didn't have much respect for his cause, once he was gone.

  23. All democrats. We must REMOVE the Democratic Party it was founded by SLAVE OWNERS. every politician that is a DEMOCRAT in history has to be REMOVED from history books, pictures and not to speak the names. Republican freed the slaves and Democrats didn't want to. Fact. REMOVE THE PARTY and stop ANY and ALL funding to DNC. Do it by executive order NOT violence.

  24. Sure they did it on the sly. What else do you expect from our nefarious government in Maryland? All with Hogan's blessing no less. Vote for swine, you pay the dime.

  25. We need to take down the sign on 50 next to the welcome to Salisbury/Chamber of commerce sign. It directs patrons up 349 to purchase metros and other goods. What's the purpose for it in 2017?

  26. I am glad that if this had to happen it happened in the dead of night while decent working people are asleep in their beds. I have family living in Baltimore and they have already seen way too much violence. If this keep things more peaceful than so be it.

  27. Blogger Captain Tom Cropper said...
    Did they hire the Colts organization for the night move? They have the expertise.

    August 16, 2017 at 10:44 AM


  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    We need to take down the sign on 50 next to the welcome to Salisbury/Chamber of commerce sign. It directs patrons up 349 to purchase metros and other goods. What's the purpose for it in 2017?

    August 16, 2017 at 12:17 PM

    and the speed limit signs. white holding black down to 55. always oppressing somebody lol

  29. What a surprise! The democrats are trying to right the wrongs that were perpetrated by people in their party for more than 150 years by rewriting history 😒. Next thing you know the history books will have pictures of Abe Lincoln sitting on the porch of an Antebellum plantation house sipping sweet tea instead of chopping wood infront of a log cabin

  30. Baltimore is FULL of BLACK RACIST so it does Not surprise
    me at all ...........

  31. All this removing of monuments seems like something that would happen in NK or the (former) Soviet Union. We need to take our country back before it's no longer recognizable. At this rate that's exactly what it will be within another generation or two.

  32. Biggest Racist in Baltimore are the BLACKS !!!!!!

  33. They all falling for it. Soon, we will be no more.


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