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Thursday, August 24, 2017

BOMBSHELL: Charlottesville Neo-Nazi Leader’s Sick Secret Exposed

Jason Kessler, the organizer of the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, has gone from being an obscure fringe figure to one of the most talked-about individuals in America. But the man who has been categorized as a neo-Nazi and white supremacist has an intriguing past that has received little attention in the mainstream media.

An extensive review of Kessler’s social media history by Nation News shows that, until recently, Kessler held very liberal political views and was a fervent supporter of Barack Obama. This revelation comes as a shock to observers and casts doubt on Kessler’s motivation behind the “Unite the Right” rally.



  1. I thought there was something off about this guy. Remember when I said trust, but verify? Keep your eyes and hearts open? That and two bucks will get me a cup of coffee.

    These people are devious. Talk about double agents. lol. This revelation almost guarantees Charlottesville was a setup, doesn't it?

  2. Holy fish smell, Batman!! Something just doesn't seem right about this.

  3. Funny how a leftists supporter suddenly somehow becomes a "alt-right" supporter.

    The answer to that one is pretty simple. The so-called "alt-right" is the same side of the same coin.



  4. A 'false flag' operation. I would expect more of this. They are out to destroy the country, and they don't mind sacrificing a few of their minions to make it look like it is us that are the violent ones.

    Yes-- VERIFY all reports and incidents.


  5. Agent provocateur.

  6. Like I said there were zero Republicans at that rally everyone was a Democrat.

  7. He is a plant which is part of the resistance movement staged by Clinton & Obama. This is all to create chaos and mayhem to bully you into not putting America first or being patriotic. It's to shame you into compromising our culture and values so the liberals can take back the control they lost during Obama's presidency. It's all staged and paid discourse to shock you out of supporting Trump's agenda which puts YOU first not everyone else. Don't fall for it.

    Trump supporters on the whole are the silent majority that does all the working and paying taxes in the USA. They are not rioters and robbers of other people's freedoms. They are far too busy working and earning their keep to engage in this kind of nonsense.


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