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Friday, August 25, 2017

BERLIN MSP: Can You Id These Men?

Can you help identify these men?
Troopers at Berlin Barrack are attempting to identify these two men, and the van they possibly drove, in regards to an ongoing investigation. If you can identify them or have any information about them please contact the Berlin Barrack at 410-641-3101 EXT 0 and reference this post or message us on this page. Thank you for help.


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  3. Their mom can probably recognize her van. And all of the church ladies who ride with her on Sundays. Question is, who will do the right thing?

  4. This is funny, with all of the cameras, and facial recognition, they still ask you to do their job for them and you all gladly do it, while the cops who are welfare recipients get paid from your stolen money in the form of taxes...

  5. If I could I.D. them, I'd turn them in, and 8:44 AM, and whole lot of eyes are better than just a few sets of eyes, maybe, just maybe that's why they ask for the public's help. Ever think of that?

  6. snitches get stitches!

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  8. 907 Cowardly response.

  9. 9:07

    snitches help get the trash off the streets.

  10. 8:43 What has this got to do with church ladies. These are some grown a%% men and need to be treated as such. After a male reaches a certain age there is NOTHING a mother can do to control some of the antics that happen. I'm not saying she would condone it....I'm just saying leave the mother out of it all together. Do we carry these children from womb to grave? NO...HOLD THESE GROWN UP IDIOTS ACCOUNTABLE and feel sorry for these women (especially if they try to do the right thing)

  11. Citizens turning in scumbag thugs is not snitching. It is being a responsible member of the community.

  12. Suspects: Male Usuals as we willed them in the Las Vegas Metro Police Dept.


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