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Thursday, August 31, 2017

Banker: 'You Can't Rebuild Houston Without Mexican Labor'

The former president of the Dallas Federal Reserve said that reconstruction can happen in Houston, but not "without Mexican labor," The Wall Street Journal reported.

Richard Fisher told the Journal that if President Donald Trump continues to restrict immigration, the necessary workforce to rebuild Houston might not be as robust.

"All these business will have to be reconstructed," Fisher told the Journal. "That's an enormous opportunity, but you can't rebuild Houston without Mexican labor."


[He may have a point.. the rebuilding is going to be a massive job and they are close by. --Editor]


  1. All welfare receipiants will be relocated to Texas and required to work enough hours to pay back all of their "free" stuff at $15.00/hour beginning October 1, 2017. MAGA!

  2. In other words, if you don't let us use Mexicans to rebuild we'll have to pay an honest wage to laborers. "FEMA = Find Every Mexican Available", George Lopez


  3. You don't understand the scope of this, 4:59.

    100,000+ homes destroyed. Businesses destroyed. Infrastructure like highways and bridges destroyed.

    WHERE are you going to get enough workers to do that, even at good pay? There is already a problem finding workers, especially ones who can pass a drug test and ones who will come back from their lunch break.

    Get real.

  4. More evidence that it is the bankers who are behind the globalist agenda for endless migration of poor people into the US and Europe.

  5. I think the banker is insulting us all by saying we need foreigners to fix Houston.


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