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Saturday, August 12, 2017

Baltimore School With Zero Students Proficient In Math Has Highest Graduation Rate

Baltimore’s community is absolutely stunned after ‘Project Baltimore’, an investigative reporting initiative, which was launched in March 2017, by Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc. asked this question: How can a high school with zero students proficient in math, have one of the highest graduation rates in Baltimore City?

Project Baltimore is investigating Northwood Appold Community Academy II, or NACA II, after teachers “contacted us saying grades are being changed so students can graduate”. The school is located in East Baltimore City, Maryland where nearly 1/3 of African Americans have zero net wealth.

The identities of the teachers who contacted Project Baltimore have been masked because they fear retaliation.



  1. This happens here in Wicomico county all the time. I have had grades of my seniors changed many times. It's called pass the trash. Keeping the kids that are only at school to sell drugs does no do any good for anyone. Get them out.

  2. And off to UMES on scholarships and then they get degrees from there!

  3. 328... me too. The raising of dropout age to 18 is going to hurt the 95% of students who want to learn. You are absolutely correct.

  4. I'll bet a lot of them know the metric system.

  5. You just can't teach broken children without healing them first. Too bad that so many are broken beyond help and on their ways to early death, prison or lives of profound poverty and ignorance.
    For those who haven't seen the movie "Precious", a happy ending is a rarity.

  6. I have been saying all along that diplomas are given out to certain students who have NOT earned them at all. Affirmative Action. They give them everything else, why not diplomas.


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