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Monday, August 14, 2017

Baltimore Mayor Offers Solution To "Out Of Control" Homicides - Free Community College For All

Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh announces her crime-fighting initiative last Wednesday, portion of which includes free community college.

Here is what she had to say per WBALTV:

“Community college has become critical in providing the necessary education and training that high school graduates need to pursue a trade or a four-year degree,” Pugh said.

“What we are going to do in Baltimore City is make Baltimore Community College free.”

Earlier this week, ‘Project Baltimore’ asked this question: How can a high school with zero students proficient in math, have one of the highest graduation rates in Baltimore City?

In a stunning interview from one of the masked educators who uncovered this possible great theft of education.. They said, “grade changing. Giving out diplomas to students that did not earn them.”

So, therein lies a major issue of efficiency in the city. An alleged corrupt school system in Baltimore is handing out high school diplomas like candy to students who have zero proficiency in math. Then the expectation is to push these students into free college in the name of stopping homicides. This does not pass the smell test.

Perhaps, the problem is much deeper and it starts with deindustrialization of the city and 50-years of democratic controlled leadership. This has forced a shocking facial wealth divide - 1/3 of black households have zero net worth.



  1. free? dont you mean taxpayer funded?

    nothing is free, someone always pays for it

  2. Free! Except to the taxpayers! I don't want to pay for thugs and low-lifes any more!

  3. As long as community college is code for 5 year mandatory prison sentence for illegal possession of a gun.

  4. Let's not forget that the Baltimore school with the highest graduation rate had nobody that could pass the math proficiency tests. Free or not, that does not make for a good college student.

    Mayor Pugh doesn't need to destroy those statues of Confederate notables. Just tell her they are really Union notables. Does anyone really think she knows the difference?

  5. The Mayor has a MASTER'S Degree - evidently it did not impart any wisdom.......

  6. How about the kids who do the right thing and never get in trouble? Do they get any help? Nope.

  7. 3:12 Maybe they need to help themselves, that is what I did.

  8. Despite your and others optimism I don't think it's working here. I don't think anyone has even been qualified

  9. How 'bout we have this weekend be "nobody says anything stupid" weekend.

  10. That's right, insanity is still in play by throwing money at the problem.


  11. Send the poor whites to college !!!
    Plenty of Poor whites and they get Nothing !!!!!!


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