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Thursday, August 24, 2017

Axelrod warns: Talk of removing Trump a 'very dangerous road'

Former Obama advisor David Axelrod on Wednesday cautioned against talk that President Trump is unfit for office, saying it opens the door to a potentially “dangerous road.”

“The inference was that somehow there should be some effort to remove him, or at least that’s how some people would have heard it,” Axelrod told CNN’s “The Situation Room.”

“And I think we have to be very, very careful when we have these discussions because we have a system, a Constitutional system.”

Axelrod specifically referenced comments made by former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who said he questions Trump’s fitness for the presidency following his remarks at a Tuesday night rally in Phoenix, Ariz.

"I really question ... his fitness to be in this office," Clapper said late Tuesday.



  1. That will trigger a civil race war.


  2. Former Obama DNI Clapper perjured himself in public testimony before Congress. He should be enjoying 3 hots and a cot. Proven liar.


  3. For once, Axlerod is right.

    I didn't sleep well last night thinking about this. The lefties are crazy enough to try something. I would hate to see that.

  4. Trump NOT GOING ANYWHERE !!!! and Will be Re-elected !!!

  5. Clapper = just another Obama Leftover Dirty /Corrupt !!!

  6. 9:33 You bet it will.

  7. Let's investigate Clapper for his LEAKS !!!!

  8. Clapper is an idiot. If Trump is removed I will fight the left to the bitter end. And I was not a Trump supporter until he won the nomination. So just imagine how hard those who supported him in the beginning will fight. I hope we do not end up in this situation, but if we do I believe I will enjoy fighting these morons.

  9. Clapper should be in Levinworth. When will Sessions go after the criminals?


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