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Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Associated Press Gives ‘Tips’ for Deciding If Your Kid Is Transgender

The Associated Press is giving tips for parents on how to decide whether their child is transgender, including allowing little boys and girls to "call the shots in terms of their gender."

The article, "Wondering if your child is transgender? Here are some tips," accompanied another AP story Monday that gave a glowing review of a San Francisco summer camp for transgender four-year-olds.

The AP spoke to "gender experts," who tell parents to allow their sons and daughters to "do a weekend as a different gender."

"How can a parent know if their child is transgender? What separates a young boy who might be transgender from one with a vivid imagination who likes to dress up in his sister's dresses?" the AP asks. "What do you do if your daughter tells you she's a boy?"

The answer, according to the wire service, is "we don't know."



  1. What if your four-year-old states that he or she is a cat or dog? Or maybe born a teddy bear?

  2. I identify as a pre-op, trans-centaur, and I shall be treated and respected as such.

  3. My kids say they really want a pony so I guess I will identify as one. Gotta keep peace in the family, you know.

  4. "What do you do if your daughter tells you she's a boy?"

    Duh, give her a biology lesson.

  5. What ever you chose to do about the issue....lets keep one thing in mind as #ONE issue. LOVE THE CHILD!! Too many families have been split over this issue before it has been given time to resolve in one way or the other. Love your child.

  6. 11:12, thank you! Be a parent! Reality and Biology rule the world and keep the population happy and healthy. Teach your children, not the other way around.

  7. Just look at the toilet seat ...Is it UP or Down ????


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