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Sunday, August 06, 2017

Aren't We Special


  1. I dont blame them one bit. Looks like they are towards the back of the lot. So what. If people were considerate and didn't put dents in your car then we would not have this issue.

  2. Given the high % of Delmarva drivers who are careless and just don't care whether they door bang your vehicle, can you blame this guy?

  3. It probably doesn't even fit between the lines, with those oversize tires sticking out like that.

  4. I walk close by these cars and dig into the side of them with my keys. Been doing it for years, never been caught yet!

    1. You are the problem

      You better hope I never see you doing it

  5. Total arrogance! Give others curiosity and park in the back parking lot if you are going do something like this. You have denied others four parking spaces because of our arrogance!

  6. I have a new car and I park far away from others at work and when I shop. I don't act ignorant like this jerk does by not allowing others four spaces up front! This guy deserves to be keyed! Should be a law against this or at least a fine for being an a hole to others!

  7. If this was the Fruitland Walmart the bike cop would just pedal right by. He is more fixated on expired tags than stuff like this. I've seen it happen.

  8. that's the kind of parking job just begging for shopping carts to be rolled towards and people blocking him in. funny people don't seem to get that.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I walk close by these cars and dig into the side of them with my keys. Been doing it for years, never been caught yet!

    August 2, 2017 at 10:17 AM:

    Your time is coming. You ARE going to be, or have already been, caught. Your every movement is captured on parking lot security footage. What the jerk did was inconveniencing other shoppers, but not illegal. What you are doing is damaging someones property, and THAT is a criminal act. You are the bigger jerk.

  10. I take up 2 spots but I use the last spaces in the lot. I don't mind the walk.

  11. Any vehicle that the wheels and tires do not fit within the wheel wells need to be issued a ticket.

  12. Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think the police can issue a parking ticket on private property except maybe for those obnoxious idiots who park in the "No Parking-Fire Lane" areas.

  13. I harmlessly zip tie shopping carts to vehicles that do this. no damage- but a lot of crap to go through to remove them. I used to carry coloring books with me. I'd put a page under the windshield wiper with a single word at the top "PRACTICE"

  14. Yhere is no law that says you have to park between the lines on a parking lot on private property. The only ticketable offenses are fire lane and handicapped.

    1. You must do the same thing as this guy all the time. Way to be a stand up citizen!!

  15. To who took this picture. U need to get a life

  16. WTF is wrong with you people - keying cars!?!? You're worse than the monster truck taking up parking spaces! He's not vandalizing you. He's just rude or inconsiderate, if he's taking parking spaces away from others.
    If I ever catch someone keying someone's' car, I'll call the police for destruction of property.
    You are some sick minded people thinking that's the right way to change this behavior. Just leave a note, for God's sake!

  17. You people say nothing about how the parking spaces have gotten smaller in the last 20 years. So blame the stores for not having proper parking spaces for their customers. Those tires are within the wheel wells. Also remember who you call during times of weather emergencies. It damn sure isn't your roller skates you drive around in an aggressive manner. I don't have to help or put myself in jeopardy to help you complainers.

  18. I hope someone turns you in maybe Joe, keep bragging then you'll be crying like the baby you are. Mama's boy I bet.

  19. I have a newer vehicle and park far away from others. I don't mind the walk. The frustrating thing was when someone had to park 'right beside me' and left a dent and paint on my driver door. Taking up two parking spaces away from the close spots is a great idea. And for the person who 'keys' these vehicles....I would love to catch you one day....remember that there are security cameras in parking lots now more then ever.

  20. Doesn't want to get his skirt dirty getting in and out of that Ford

  21. For those claiming to "key" a car or even put something under the wiper blade, tying carts to them etc., I can only hope you cease that action. Because, you are fixing to get a ass whipping that will be very hard to get over. You keep talking about against the law to take extra spaces. Are you the police? If so do you also "key" someone's car for speeding or running a light. Think about it dumb a-s.

  22. There are some people out there who drive monster trucks think they are all big and bad. Like look at me! Seems like they are trying to compensate for something they don't have, like their manhood, or lack there of!!!!

  23. 10:41 I'm sure they are scared. I bet those keyboard warrior fingers are all swole up right now.

  24. Its a Virginia plate....they ain't use to paved parkin'....give the ole boy a break!! He is probably still roaming the parkin' lot look at the lights...LOL

  25. That shopping cart has its eye on that truck.

  26. Best comment of them all!

  27. Keying cars! What an a'hole. If I saw you I would call the police.

  28. so the person bought a nice vehicle and parks it to keep it safe. with all the aholes around here I don't blame him one bit. I'll park in the north forty and walk and damn if some fool wont have to slide right in next to me while there are empty spots all around. most folks around here are just to damn stupid!

  29. Maybe if people respected other people's property he would not have to park this way. Get a new car and boom some inconsiderate dings it with their doors, or worse runs into your vehicle and leaves. Some very disrespectful people in this town.

  30. Anonymous said...
    Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think the police can issue a parking ticket on private property except maybe for those obnoxious idiots who park in the "No Parking-Fire Lane" areas.

    August 2, 2017 at 11:49 AM

    OK I will:
    If the parking lot is open to the public all laws apply.
    Seatbelt, illegal parking including but not limited to : Parking by a fire hydrant, Fire lane, Handicap parking space... oh I forgot you can't say Handicap these days Whatever you call them this decade.
    Hope this helps


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