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Monday, August 21, 2017

Antifa Leader Who Works As A Middle School Teacher Says: Violence Against Far-Right Is ‘Not a Crime’ [VIDEO]

She first got her 15 minutes of fame when she was she was caught on camera physically assaulting “Nazis” on the street in July 2016.

The Neo-Nazi group had a permit to march and yet, Antifa showed up and started trouble. Seven people were stabbed and several others were injured. Sound familiar?

It’s not like I like defending Neo-Nazis or white supremacists or any other national socialists out there. I do defend that they had a right to be there, to peacefully assemble and petition the government. You know, like basic First Amendment stuff. We are no longer a society when we can no longer talk about our differences. Assaulting someone because you disagree with them is the antithesis of a society.



  1. Well, I don't think our society has any room for neo nazis or Antifa. This takes the fourth amendment to the limit and I don't consider spewing hatred from either group free speech. Oh they spew it freely but to what end. It is human nature to go ballistic when there is some goof in your face calling you names and spitting while ranting; it is human nature to lash out and strike back. It is human nature to want to hurt. This is not free speech, it is rioting and mayhem on a grand scale.

    1. Free is free. The guy she ordered to have his head kicked in was not a nazi but simply trying to prove a point. He carried a white pride flag across the park and her terrorist group attacked him. The entire video is online.

  2. Teaching our kids how to act ?

  3. It will be only a short time before the people recognize Antifa as what it is, the equivalent of Hitler's Brown Shirts.

  4. Every time we wait for someone else to do something they become embolden.

  5. 7:47.....
    Re-read the Bill of Rights.
    And yes, even the most vile have the right to speak and assemble.
    NO ONE has the right to attack them. No matter how much they might be despised.
    YOU are one of the problems. YOU want to parse out, or worse, allow politicians to parse out, our rights based on YOUR idea of whats good and bad, huh?
    YOU think you can draw a line where Jefferson and Madison saw none?? Where do YOU stop with which rights YOU think we can exercise "safely"???
    When rioters from OTHER STATES show up with the express purpose of violence, don't blame anyone but the ones who started the fights.
    Keep cheering, cheerleader.

  6. A middle school teacher, uh..not anymore!

  7. A true liberal and they all feel this way! All of them!

  8. Food for thought:Major Liberal Organizer ‘Encouraged Leftists To Dress Up As Ku Klux Klan Members’
    Communists in cloaks and hoods… who knew?The leftist radical Saul Alinsky author of the handbook of subversion and rebellion, ‘Rules for Radicals‘ favored by leftists gave some advice to would-be revolutionaries that might have been used to foment the aggression exhibited in Charlottesville over the weekend.
    Alinsky was the subject of the Bachelor’s thesis in 1969 by one Hillary Rodham, and even offered her a job upon graduation, by the way.
    In his book, ‘Rules For Revolution‘, conservative author, David Horowitz, explains how Alnisky’s tactics were used by Barack Obama’s adminstration to ‘fundamentally transform’ America.

  9. While some of you are condemning Antifa for attacking people who disagree with them, keep in mind some of you do the same thing on here. There are no physical attacks since this is online, but you do the assaulting with words and attitudes.

    Joe and his staff have told me numerous times of the comments they have to reject and spam because of this. And even some of those that make it through are questionable at best.

    So why don't some of you tone it down a little for everyone's sake?

    Calm, factual debates are much more effective and are a better read and you might just get more people to agree with you. Plus, it shows a higher level of intelligence than those that use insults and profanity in their speech.

    But that's just my opinion.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Well, I don't think our society has any room for neo nazis or Antifa. This takes the fourth amendment to the limit and I don't consider spewing hatred from either group free speech. Oh they spew it freely but to what end. It is human nature to go ballistic when there is some goof in your face calling you names and spitting while ranting; it is human nature to lash out and strike back. It is human nature to want to hurt. This is not free speech, it is rioting and mayhem on a grand scale.

    August 21, 2017 at 7:47 AM

    It's not my human nature to do those things. Nor does anyone I know have that nature you speak of.

    Kids might display that behavior until and if they are taught better. Drunks often display that nature because...they are drunk. Barbarians, remote tribes of indigenous peoples may be of that mindset, uneducated bullies, people with anger issues and so on. I think you know where I was headed with that.

    I wonder which group you belong to?


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