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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

America Is Just Plain Messed Up


  1. Well , look who's holding the Hated Southern Flag !!!
    A First..........and the white guy is an Idiot !!!!

  2. Proof the Southern Flag must be OK and Not a Bad thing !!!

  3. LOL love it that's funny but true.

  4. This black man, an American patriot will be destroyed by the anti-American left as an Uncle Tom, sell out, house nrrrr etc...

    We must stand up for those who are standing up for our country.

    And for those who will bash me about the Confederate Flag, right wrong or indifferent, it is our American heritage. Don't erase it.

    This country has done more in less than 300 years than the rest of the world could not do in 1000's of years.

    Due to our founding fathers and our Judaeo- Christian values.

    Peace to all who want peace! :)

  5. Judaeo - whatever that is, and Christianity have NOTHING in common.

    You obviously know nothing about at least one of those religions.

  6. that's super funny


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