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Sunday, August 20, 2017


JOE - This morning between 1:30-2:30 am multiple shots were fired around 718 Jackson Street in Salisbury one vehicle in front of 718 Jackson Street was hit, no one injured no arrests at this time.


  1. Mayor Jake day you need to get your man Cropper and take a bunch of your "hope dealer" tee shirts and apparently start going around the whole area from college avenue to snow hill road and just start passing them out. I mean come on I'm sure a tee shirt would do wonders for the citizens involved in this behavior

  2. I heard there was a shooting on Friday night too. I was not given details, just a comment made in passing.

  3. So glad we left the area. It's not just Salisbury. The entire eastern shore has become a crime ridden wasteland. Even if you live in a nice area, you still need to shop for food and goods, go to the bank, dentist, doctor offices. Get out while you still can is my advice.

  4. What are you going to do JAKE?????????

    1. I often read that statement on here - What would you folks suggest Jake do? Most shootings turn out to be drug\money or drug\domestic violence - police arrest them, judges slap their wrist.

    2. Start directing the funding for all the nonsense development, main street, amphitheater, housing o. Old government parking use it to increase all out police presence. You put enough presence and best on these people they will eventually take it elsewhere but you just can't jeep doing business as usual

  5. If you are going to da bury ya better carry a piece , may not come out of da bury.

  6. The city and county keep promoting section 8 housing which brings in more and more violence.

  7. 5:14 PM, I would suggest that Jake quit acting like a spoiled brat boy and grow up and quit advertising Section 8 housing crap and get some real businesses going on in Salisbury. Enough of the picture taking Jake, we all know what your silly face looks like. Businesses, growth, no more Section 8, is what we want.

  8. Take back your city!! Getca real city police leader, funding for relentless visual presence in these troubled areas. One thing the bad guys don't like are police everywhere they are.

  9. 5:14 PM He could stop lying about the crime rate here for one thing. Protect the citizens instead of his stupid narrative and fantasy image of this community.

  10. Jake needs to fire this police chief and bring in someone who is not scared to face the issues and will back the officers up when they do face the issues. Wake up Jake. This is an easy fix

  11. Jake-------- the solution to the crime problem was sitting right in front of you for several months. You even got a call promoting this solution and your letting it walk away. Pick up the phone and get it done. It's not hard and this person is a willing and capable participant who no doubt can fix it. Believe me I know it.

  12. 5:14 It starts with our Mayor understanding we have a problem. He keeps thinking crime is down.

  13. The city idiots are more worried about making me take my feather flags down at my business, instead of going after real criminals. I hope they are happy when they run all businesses out of town.

  14. Just say no to chain fences. The heck with crime and drugs, it will take care of itself. My hometown has turned into a nasty crime ridden place and small town leaders don't know how to handle it. Sad and disgraceful. T.H.I.N.K. when you go to polls.

  15. 5:14 the first thing he could do is stop lying like he does and admit there is a major crime problem in Salisbury. He lies about it and ignores it. Then he could increase police presence and let both the police and the residents that he supports the PD 100%. He won't do this though because he isn't a leader and he is spineless. Thirdly he could make a point to hold community meetings where he calls out the so called parents on their complete lack of parenting skills. Again he won't do this because he is completely without honesty and is without a backbone and is completely dishonest.

  16. Gotta love that talk on banning chain link fences. With the out of control crime in Sby what moron dreamed that up. No wonder Sby is known as the Crotch of the Eastern Shore. Watch the meetings online. Bunch of dopey losers.

  17. Jake and Barbs will go down in history for the ones who were in charge when this city got flushed down the porcelain bowl. Neither one will do what's right to fix this issue. Both know what needs to be done. Come on mayor election. Can't be soon enough. Jake, if you wait any longer to fix this, you don't stand a chance weekend warrior.


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