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Sunday, August 06, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Public Service Announcement

Dear East Side

E Church, E Main, Old OC Rd, Civic Ave. Guy wearing a black ski mask running the roads on a dirt bike. If you see him, call it in.
There are also several without masks running E Church St. up to Thirsty's and back. Popping wheelies, blocking traffic. See it? Call it in.

The only way we can put an end to this is to call them in.

Message to Mr. Mayor. When are you going to start admitting there is a problem. What are you waiting for? How bad does it have to get before you do something? Are you waiting for someone to get hurt before you do something about this?


  1. I called the police last week when they were sitting in the Bethesda Church parking lot on North Division St. I waited around the corner to see what happened. About 5 minutes later a Salisbury police car drove by and did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Get this, the punks on the dirt bikes weren't even spooked and didn't run when they saw the police. They are emboldened by the fact that they know the police won't do a damn thing about them. I see these punks EVERYDAY as I'm driving about town (which isn't even that much driving) so if I see them that much then you know the police do to and NOTHING is being done about them!

    Here is what is going to happen... A citizen such as myself is going to be the victim one way or another. They are going be in an accident as a result of these punks' actions and get hurt. OR they are going to take matters into their own hands and run their asses off the road then find themselves in a lawsuit with them and likely lose in court. OR become victim of retaliation if they try to work with police to lock them up. WE, the LAW ABIDING citizens, are not being properly protected by our police. NOTHING is being done over at SPD to curb these actions and it will only get worse.

    Our only hope is that these idiots pull some of their stunts downtown on a third Friday. Maybe then the Mayor and police will do something about them. Knowing the mayor, he'll likely invite them downtown for a stunt show or something...

  2. Do you think the law can catch these offenders? these toys can travel many places a police cruiser can not. Maybe law enforcement need some off-road bikes to add to the parade touring bike.

  3. He won't do anything. This falls again on lack of leadership in him and those he appoints. Duncan refuses to do anything and he supports her no matter what. We will have to wait for reelection before we rid him and his whole administration. Then things will change. Jakes your days are number and everything that happens in this city is on you Because you fail to make changes. Stop being a coward and command. Disgraceful to military.

  4. It's funny what did any of YOU do??? Phone it in hide around the corner. Next complain about Police Chief and Mayor.....LOL That's called concerned citizens....ha ha ha not! Its safer to complain about others, Pansies!

    1. 10:40- ...says the anonymous troll.

  5. Here is my take, I think the SPD patrol officers have their hands tied, if they chase and the dirt bike wrecks they will be held responsible, so they don't bother. This is a problem from the top, the officers do not feel like they have the backing from upper brass to go after these punks.

    Its the same kids, most don't wear the masks anymore since they got WBOC "famous". Bunch of crap talking about building a dirt bike park so they stay off the streets.

    I personally have given up on calling in the bikes and quads, they ride up and down Truitt St all the time and cross rt 50 doing wheelies like its nothing.

    I would love to see them team up with the MSP helicopter and chase these punks down and confiscate the bikes. Heck, even get the county involved with their Harleys, they were drug money funded anyway.

  6. Those dirt bikes are all stolen vehicles. Armed thugs are operating them.

  7. 10:40 AM I don't understand your point. He called it in, waited and watched, the police did nothing. He is right to complain.

    He is also correct in the statement that law abiding citizens will be the one footing the bill when one of these worthless idiots gets in an accident.

    Is that the best you've got for commentary? I hope one runs in to you. Then we will see what you have to say.

  8. Maybe Mike Lewis and his motorcycles can come into town and chase them down.

  9. I saw the guy with a black mask riding on a white dirt bike last night riding down the middle line on Snow Hill Road, on back wheel. Taffic going both ways and this fool was doing this. If he gets hit, I do not feel sorry for him. He absolutely knows he is doing wrong being on the street with this bike, no helmet and riding down the middle line. By the time you call police, they are gone. He rode that way down to Shiloh Street, went back into the apartment complex and came out on Lincoln Avenue with a black car following him. Yes, I followed to see where he went. We have also seen a bunch of them riding down Rt. 13 at night, no lights, no helmets, in a group of six or eight. Just asking for trouble.

  10. The police have a no chase policy. What are they suppose to do?

  11. 10:44 am......you are absolutely right that the top leadership will not back those below.. therefore crime will continue to increase. The mayor has to get rid of her and command and bring in someone else who will take a different approach and make changes. And I agree. Jake's days are number and he is the only one at fault for his demise. He will never make the change at SPD. He feels she will get him the votes needed to reelect. What he fails to see is if he makes a change and things would get better, he may be able to save himself. Not happening unless he makes change. I already know a strong candidate who will level him on this issue of crime and SPD as well as other issues. He better start making some tough decisions if he wants to stand a chance. Or maybe he is not planning on running again. Either way you have to think his gut is telling him to replace her, but bc he doesn't know how to properly command and make tough decisions, she will stay.

  12. Someone needs to step up and run against him. Someone who is an adult and can be a leader.

  13. I am sure that they are fine young Amish boys just trying to have fun.

  14. How about the young child riding his electric dirt bike through the play ground and crowd in the park last night at National Night Out. No helmet, to many people for that, police all over andno one said a thing. He will grow up to be doing the same thing on the city streets if not given guidance

  15. Get yourself a high powered pellet gun and shoot him every time you see him riding it.

  16. 11:20, do you think the WCSO bikes can run with a off - road bike? Not a chance, no way to stop them unless they are cornered. The WCSO doesn't have to come in town, they are outside of the city limit also.

  17. I still think you should call them in. Push the issue. Record it and post it on FB and you tube and make sure you label it Salisbury MD.

    Lets see what Jake has to say when that starts making headlines or when people google the community and that pops up.

    Oh Jake, the web you weave when you deceive.

  18. Because Jake Day or any other mayor, in all their omnipotence, has the ability to detect and predict when and where some idiot on a dirt bike will be. Quit complaining and call it in. Want to make a difference? Go sign up to be a cop and change the neighborhood you're complaining about or sit back down.

  19. Anon 10:40AM,

    It is NOT my JOB to do anything! Solving issues like this is why I pay taxes to fund the Mayor's office and police department. It is THEIR JOB to handle these issues and they aren't doing anything. So keep sitting at your keyboard mocking people with concerns and I'll take your advice next time I see them. I won't stop when they run red lights, I won't move over when they are weaving all over the road doing wheelies and we'll see who can actually get something done. These punks are going to be the ones who pay the price if I get involved like you suggest...

  20. 1:11 If those motorcycles can't keep up with a 4 wheeler or a dirt bike I think they bought the wrong equipment.

  21. I not longer call anything in anywhere. Why go through the grief? Nothing ever comes of it.

  22. They are racing to Jake's pizza party.

  23. 2:31, you are correct about buying the wrong vehicle. But, they weren't purchased for this purpose. These "toys" can out maneuver a big touring bike. Each has a different purpose. I'm not knocking the WCSO, I own several myself and have also used off-road bikes. They are made for rough terrain, not to be used uninsured, illegal, unlicensed, etc. on the public roadway. Baltimore city has had issues with the same type of law breakers. The time to take them off the street is now.


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