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Sunday, August 06, 2017

A Viewer Writes: A note to nosy people

Dogs shouldn’t be left in hot cars on hot sunny days. Saturday evening at 6 PM, with rain and clouds, was NOT a sunny hot day.

My wife and I went to Golden Corral, north SBY, to celebrate our 40th anniversary and my 50th anniversary of having Lyme. We took our dog along; she loves to ride in the car. Since it was 67° and cloudy/rainy, we rolled the windows up and left her in her car. We sat in the restaurant at a window where we could watch the car and keep an eye on her.

We had gotten to eat most of our first plate of food when we were notified that someone had complained to management about her being locked in the car with the windows up, and was threatening to call the police. My wife had to skip our anniversary meal, go out and sit in the car with our dog so that the windows could be down a bit to please you. Note: this is a rescue, a bait and fighting dog rescue, for her, and for passers-bys, safety, she can’t be in the car with the windows down as she protects her car, STRONGLY, VERY strongly when people get near her car. This dog is our “baby”; we protect her as if she were our own child. If it were sunny, or hot, she wouldn’t be in HER car; she’d be home in the air conditioning. But with temps in the 60’s, and no evening sun shining down (it was drizzling all day), she likes to go with us for a ride in her car, just like most dogs do. The interior of the car was at most one to two degrees warmer than the air temps. She was NOT hot, let alone in danger from the heat. Several of the customers had sweaters and coats on, heat was not a problem.

Please people, use your bloody mind! My dog was not in danger, was not panting, she wasn’t hot, if anything she was chilly. The windows were up for her, and your, protection. Most people like to close their windows when it’s raining. There was no reason to challenge the management, or to threaten to call the police on us. It was in the 60’s and cloudy. Instead, you ruined our anniversary meal, upset the dog, and stuck your nose where it didn’t belong. Luckily, the windows WERE up, or she might have bitten that long nose off when you threatened her and us.

Please, use common sense. If it’s hot and sunny, and the dog is in distress, call the police. If it’s cool and rainy, keep your nose where it belongs, on the end of your face.


  1. Like ive said if your gonna leave your dog in a car leave it at home period

    1. I second that! 💚🐶💜
      Sounds like your wife did not appreciate sitting in the car, waiting on you. Why would your dog enjoy it?

  2. Pets should not ride in cars, they should be left at home, or taken for a walk. A car ride is no substitute.

  3. Why take the dog with you if you knew you were going to be eating in a restaurant? Makes no sense at all. Leave the dog at home.

  4. I could get what you're saying if you were just running in somewhere for a minute or two. But to take your dog with you while you belly up to the all you can eat hog trough is not good. Just leave your dog home!

  5. eating at golden corral says alot. If you put that garbage in your own body lord knows what or how bad you treat the dog!

  6. 8:42 - Shut Up!! I take my dog on rides all the time. He loves it sits by the car waiting. We also take walks, play fetch, and sit in the hot tub. Well, no hot tub that was just thrown in for dolts like you!!

  7. I dont take my dogs in the car from end of may till october. Unless we are going to a place like the vet or groomer.And only if we are going to visit someone who allows them to come inside thier home, like my family.

  8. I'd of just called for the police or animal control. I think it was nice that someone reached out to management to notify you.

  9. So this idiot, in his own words:
    My wife had to skip our anniversary meal, go out and sit in the car with our dog

    We have a couple of issues here with this prize winner::

    1. He made his wife sit in the car with the dog so that he could stuff his fat ugly face.
    I mean give that women either a medal or free therapy for putting up with that BS for 40 friggin years.

    2. He thinks a good meal is golden corral.

    3. He never considered the stress he imposed on the dog's need to "protect" the vehicle while sitting in the parking lot with people and vehicles coming and going, constantly while is sat inside and stuffed his face.

    4. And he continues to justify this which only validates what a complete and utter selfish moron this guy is.

    Maybe the author should heed his own advice - Please, use common sense and leave the dog at home in the future.

  10. If you leave your dog home where it belongs, then you wouldn't have to worry about people reporting you. People are not being nosy, as you put it - they just have concern for the dog in the car, no matter if you were sitting there watching. What do police tell people to do? If you see a dog in the car with windows up, report it. Am I right?

  11. I think if it was my fortieth anniversary I would go somewhere better than golden corral, without my pets, maybe outback??lol. Wonder what the wife thinks of your selection!

  12. 9:05...damn I thought you said BETTER...not OUTBACK!!! Hell Applebee's would be two steps up compared to Golden Corral or Outback!!!

  13. No, Outback sucks too. It's just more expensive.

  14. There's not a damn thing wrong with what that man did other than put it on this blog. Dog was fine. People need to mind their own business

    1. When you bring your BS out in public, it is anyone's and everyone's business.

    2. These 2 posts are from the lovely 40th anniversary couple I'm sure

      Idiots = shouldn't own pets

  15. " This dog is our “baby”; we protect her as if she were our own child" so by your own admission you would leave your own child in the car in the same conditions! You sir are so wrong on so many levels! If your dog is your baby, then why didn't you yourself go out to the car? You are scum!

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    There's not a damn thing wrong with what that man did other than put it on this blog. Dog was fine. People need to mind their own business

    August 1, 2017 at 10:43 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    10:43. AMEN.

    August 1, 2017 at 10:50 AM

    These are the only comments so far that are proper. Most of you are just nosy busybodies and hypocrites. The dog was fine and there is nothing wrong with taking a dog for a ride. I do it all the time and the dogs love it and they get out of the house for awhile. And you're worried about a dog having to wait? What is wrong with you people?

    And then to criticize the man for his choice of restaurant? I guess all of you dine at a five-star restaurant every night. Maybe they like the place. Maybe that's all they can afford. Maybe that's where they first met. None of you know the reason and none of you need to know the reason.

    You people disgust me. You are so quick to point out the flaws of others yet ignore your own. You talk about how crappy Salisbury is but you contribute to its atmosphere. Get a life and a heart while you're at it.

    1. 11:34 What is wrong with YOU?

      The car was not moving; therefore it was NOT just a "ride." Windows were rolled up, by poster's own admission, which means the car was essentially sealed and there is nowhere for the heat buildup to escape OR to get fresh air in. Poster states dog has STRONG guarding temperament. How many people walked by that car and evoked that "protect" response in the dog? No water either. Yet this is his "child", "his baby". Would he have done this with a human kid? Somehow I think he would!!!!

      Poster is lucky his window didn't get busted. Or the cops called instead of the management.

      Leave your pets at home if you will need to exit your vehicle fir more than five minutes. Or suffer the consequences.

  17. I can't believe people are actually concerned about the dog. Look how he treats his wife!
    he's the one who put it out there, what did he expect? golden corral? seriously?

  18. A temp of 67 in the evening is fine for any dog. Don't stress over this sir. I have found that most people are quite ignorant when it comes to dogs. Oh they think they know it all but they really don't know anything. First of all they think all breeds are created equal and they are not. Like taking your dog to a generic dog training. The training should be specialized toward the breed. Also many breeds are more tolerant of extreme temperatures. This esp true of the working breeds. These know it alls would drop dead if they oould only see the working dogs out west guarding the cattle on
    1000's of acres of land but since they don't get off the shore we can be certain they won't die. A couple dozen Great Pyrs and/or Anatolians in 100+ degree weather with little to no shade doing their jobs to ward predators away from their herds.
    It's great to take you pup out for a drive. Mine loves sleeping in the car. They should be around you and doing what they like to do as long as it's not harmful as much as possible to avoid the made up excuse as "separation anxiety" which really means someone isn't doing a good job of raising their dog. Dogs do need their alone time but if they get destructive it's because they are bored. And usually these dogs spend much time in the very inhumane "crate."

  19. 40 years of marriage and you people bust his chops over golden corral. really? most of you are probably not even that old yet let alone accomplish a feat that noteworthy. They are probably in or near their 60's.

    You people are disgusting little twerps. It's a good thing he didn't include his name, you would probably be out picketing his house. What's the matter, can't find any flies to pull the wings off?

  20. "Anonymous said...

    " This dog is our “baby”; we protect her as if she were our own child" so by your own admission you would leave your own child in the car in the same conditions! You sir are so wrong on so many levels! If your dog is your baby, then why didn't you yourself go out to the car? You are scum!

    August 1, 2017 at 11:32 AM"

    Your comparison is totally asinine. Did you even think before you posted this? This is the problem with you people-you are real good at running that mouth but completely ignorant about what you are saying. A child is completely different then an adult dog. A adult dog is most likely going to nap away and not get into anything unlike a child. You are a real Einstein do you know it?

  21. @1:32 hey Einstein did you not read that this dog STRONGLY PROTECTS THE CAR when people get near the car - doesn't sound like a napping dog to me! Sounds as if the owner actually was stressing the rescued dog by placing it in a situation that would be unsettling for the dog! Guess someone as smart as you are didn't comprehend that!

  22. It amazes me how uninformed people
    are about the dangers of leaving
    your dog in a Closed Car!!
    If you love your animal, leave
    it home or until it gets cooler and
    you're not leaving him but for a
    few minutes.

  23. The one who posted his complaint is angry that someone was concerned for his dog! WTH? It sounds like he took his guard dog with him to keep an eye on the car while he and his wife went into Golden Corral to chow down. He should never leave his dog in a car, by itself, for more than a few minutes, EVER. Certainly not for the length of time he intended to fill himself at an all-you-can-eat buffet. Funny he blames the person who reported what they saw, and management of the restaurant, for ruining his anniversary meal, yet he stayed in the restaurant and ate, while he sent his wife out to sit with the dog. This man's meal is more important to him than his wife and dog. If he thinks somebody is a busybody for being concerned about his dog being left in the car, then he really just sees his dog as "protection" and not a pet that he adores. The man was ignorant for doing what he did, and then blaming others for the consequences.

  24. Sorry but there are few 2 star restaurants anywhere near Salisbury much less a 5 star. They may have huge medical bills for a family member or just lost their jobs. Who knows, maybe GC is all that they can afford right now. Good on them to get out and celebrate 40 years. Very bad on them to take the dog.

  25. This is the dumbest thing I have ever read! Leave ur dog at home- would you have left your baby in there? Smh

  26. I give up. You people ....

  27. 3:09 okay so you figured out how he feels about the dog, what about the wife? lmao! only here! or delaware!

  28. I find it completely amusing how idiotic people are acting as the generations go by. I grew up in the 80's and you would always see kids waiting in cars for parents. To be fair at that time, people pretty much minded their own business. I made it to now. I know, now you think I should have made the world a better place by suffocating back then. Sorry for your luck. It does however give me a moment to hop on my little soapbox for this comment. This is their baby. You know nothing about their family. Their dog may have severe storm anxiety. The safest place for her may have been the Golden Corral parking lot. Being left home may have resulted in significant injuries to her or their home. This is of course all just the musings of someone who has many fur babies, one of which will jump in the car and not get out even if it's 100 degrees outside, resulting in me having to open all the doors and watch him for a while so he's happy for a minute. You do lots of things for those you love. I DO NOT know this couple. I AM NOT either one of these people. I'm also pretty sure I did not see anywhere in that comment a request for your input regarding their dining choices. Again, you know nothing about them. Perhaps they LIKE the food. Obviously someone does or they wouldn't still be open. If I take his letter and make an educated guess or inference, I can deduce they could possibly be pensioners. Perhaps this is what they can afford. Perhaps, they wanted to eat food they knew they'd like for the money they had. One of the first steps of being a decent human being is not to be judgemental, but for a moment try to put yourself in their shoes and be empathetic. I have looked at this situation and am in support of the diners. Not that you asked my opinion, but they didn't either.

  29. Thank you people, for all of your comments. Some I might not agree with, but it’s a (fairly) free country, everyone’s opinion is valuable. And I’m glad to see so many people concerned about my dogs health.
    Yes, it’s me, the original poster.
    Since many brought it up, here’s data that wasn’t included in the original posting:
    HER car is her refuge. It’s where she sits every day (with the doors wide open), even though she has a one acre fenced yard to play. Dogs love riding in cars, they’ve loved it ever since there WERE cars. When I let her out of the house, the first thing my dog does is run to her car. She’d willingly sit there all day, waiting for a ride, guarding the chickens and other critters that she lives with.
    My dog is a rescue, dumped along a back road as a one year old. She’d been beaten with metal rods, was starved, had a prong collar (the collar with inch long teeth on the INSIDE) around her neck that had been allowed to grow into her skin, and then ripped lose, leaving 36 infections around her neck. She’d apparently been used as a bait dog for some of the dog fighting groups around here, she had the scars to prove it. She was justifiably afraid and aggressive towards people. It took me 7 days to get her to trust me and allow me to bring her home. My vet said that ANYONE else would have left her, or had her put down, that I was the only one that he knew that would try to save and rehabilitate her. He knows that I worked with K9 units in the Army, and for local law enforcement. He knew that I used to raise and train large Shepherd pups for The Seeing Eye, raised and trained an excellent water rescue Newfoundland, and had a business for years with a trained scent dog.
    I took my wife (and my dog) to the Golden Corral for our 40th anniversary, and my 50th anniversary of contracting Lyme. Why G. Corral? Why not a high end restaurant? It’s because I’ve been disabled for many years, had to give up my job at the University and my business had to close, I couldn’t travel for consulting and teaching anymore. Being unable to work, we are at the bottom of the income brackets. Usually, 4 times a year, I manage to get my wife out to a restaurant, that’s all that I can afford. And being poor, G. Corral is all that we can afford. Sorry if that offends some of you, but when one is broke, it’s all that one can do for the family. I hope you never have to experience having G Corral as the best that you can afford.
    Why did my wife go sit in the car with her? With the windows part way down, my dog could easily break a window out should someone harass her. She’s STRONG. Plus, my wife has been a diabetic since she was a child, and lives with a strict diet. She had already finished her measured meal (one plate), and went out to protect our dog.
    I parked so that we could watch her while we ate, if she were panting, showing distress, I would be out to her in less than a minute. If she were home while we were gone, she’d have separation anxiety. I’m with her, and she’s with me, 24/7. After her early experiences, she sees me as her “safety person”, she hates being away from me as much as I hate being away from her. She goes everywhere with me. Some of you are fine with leaving your dog home or chained up out back, I’m not.
    To those that say that the police should have been called, I checked with local law enforcement, (they thought she was fine in the car), and with the State animal laws: Transportation. Title 21. Vehicle Laws--Rules of the Road. Subtitle 10. Stopping, Standing, and Parking § 21-1004.1. Domestic animals left in vehicles:
    (a) A person may not leave a cat or dog unattended in a standing or parked motor vehicle in a manner that endangers the health or safety of the cat or dog.
    My dog was safe in the car with the windows up in 67° rainy weather, safer than she would be at home alone. Her health was not endangered.
    Please people, worry about dogs in HOT cars in HOT weather. Worry about the dogs chained in the back of their yard with no contact with their pack, their people.

  30. August 1, 2017 at 11:23 PM:

    You've got a lot of nerve telling people what to worry about, when they are concerned about a pet's safety, whether your's, or anybody else. You obviously weren't watching out the window and keeping an eye on the car, if someone was noting the situation, and then came in with your tag number so that management could warn you to take corrective action, or the police would be called. If you were so confidant that you were doing nothing wrong, why didn't you just tell management "go ahead, call the police". Personally, I think I know why. You are seeking vindication for your actions, but you sure didn't want to explain it to police. Rather you go to a blog.

    You were / are wrong. Man up and admit it. Better yet, just shut up.

  31. August 2, 2017 at 10:07 AM

    You tell him he has a lot of nerve to tell others what they should worry about and then go on to do the very same thing.

    Regardless, I did some quick research and found that even on "cool" days cars get heat up very quickly if the sun is out. The magic number seems to be an hour but the fastest rise in heat seems to be the first half hour if I read correctly.

    I don't recall how long this dog stayed inside his car but at this point does it matter? I believe this man honestly felt the dog would be fine and he did nothing wrong being it was a rainy day with a temp of 67 degrees.

    Rainy day implies the sun was not out so that would have a bearing on the heat inside the car. One study I read said the temp inside a car, on a sunny day, gets to 40 degrees more than outside temps.

    So, sir, perception is everything. If people believe your dog was in danger, to them it WAS in danger hence their message to management. You may have felt you did nothing wrong being it was so cool and rainy outside which to me is understandable, even IF not correct.

    I also believe there are some people in this area just waiting for a chance to break someone's window to "rescue" an animal and he a "hero" so all should keep that in mind.

    So let's use this as a learning tool and stop with all the insults and threats. At the end of the day the dog was fine. Going forward I think it may be best to leave your dog at home or with a friend instead of going through this scrutiny again.

  32. "There are cases of children dying on days as cool as 70 degrees Fahrenheit," said lead author Catherine McLaren, MD, clinical instructor in emergency medicine. Though past research has documented the temperature spike inside a car on extremely hot days, this is the first time anyone has looked at cooler days, she added.

    McLaren collaborated with James Quinn, MD, associate professor of emergency medicine, and Jan Null, an independent certified consulting meteorologist, to measure the temperature rise inside a parked car on sunny days with highs ranging from 72 to 96 degrees F. Their results, published in the July issue of the journal Pediatrics, showed that a car's interior can heat up by an average of 40 degrees F within an hour, regardless of ambient temperature. Eighty percent of the temperature rise occurred within the first half-hour.

    "On a cool day, you don't feel hot so you believe it will be OK," Quinn said. "But ambient temperature doesn't matter; it's whether it's sunny out." Much like the sun can warm a greenhouse in winter, it can also warm a parked car on cool days. In both cases, the sun heats up a mass of air trapped under glass.

    "Cars get hot, we know this intuitively," Null said. "But this study tells us that cars get hot very fast."

  33. Thanks for re-sharing this Joe...I forgot how much I laughed last week and it rekindled it today!



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