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Saturday, August 26, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Door to remain unlocked

I noticed that the door on the home goods side of Walmart has a sticker on the sliding door that says "This door to remain unlocked during business hours".

I found out after some research that this is an OSHA regulation due to fire and so fourth. Even if there is another set of doors open at another location, it is against OSHA regulations to lock this door or block it from access. Entrances and fire exits are planned out to be so far apart by design.

Walmart should not be shutting down the home goods entrance/exit at 10pm.


  1. This is first and foremost a regulation of Wicomico County fire code and the fire code of any other local jurisdiction. This is no BS I was a construction superintendent for 24 years. I worked on the Walmart store in Berlin I worked on the Walmart store in Milford Delaware both the old and the new . Those doors even though locked will still push outward and open if shoves hard enough in the event of an emergency. So even though those doors are locked for security reasons in the event of an emergency they will easily open if pushed outward. The lock only prevents them from sliding back and forth. However it does not stop them from being opened in the normal way a household door would open. They are bi- functional doors which operate in two separate ways...the public does not know this however and can still be dangerous if someone does not know that these doors can be pushed open. I will not cover for Walmart as they are playing a very dangerous game for security reasons only so no one will shoplift as they are not to be locked at all... The fact is that they do remain dangerous because they are locked and the public does not know the true function of these doors and they will stop if they do not see them sliding. Google it for yourself if you don't believe me. They used to be manufactured by Besam who sold out to Stanley.

  2. 6:20, Besam/Stanley puts a sticker on every one of those doors that says something like "In an emergency, PUSH TO OPEN". and it's a pretty permanent style sticker. I'll bet our "viewer" could go back to the store and read that sticker on those "Break Away" doors.

    if not, the Fire Marshall would catch that on his routine inspections.

  3. Walmart is violating state and national fire codes by blocking their exits on the North end of the store. I complained to the Chief Fire Inspector for Wicomico County and showed him pictures of grocery carts blocking the exit to funnel people to the grocery section. This is a clear violation and he did nothing about it. Are you paying attention Bob Culver???

    The Salisbury Fire Department refused to do anything about it as well.

  4. Do they even have that many shoppers after 10pm? I didn't even know until recently that they are open 24 hours. But then I rarely go back out after coming home from work.

  5. The doors would not be locked on that side if people did not steal so much.

  6. 7:27 Maybe Bob can hire a special team to keep that door free of carts. I think the problem lies with the public who block parking spaces, doors, whatever, with carts their lazy butts, cannot return to proper area. I have never seen the door you speak of blocked, but if I did I would mention it to greeter or someone at manager's desk. You had time to complain to the fire inspector, fire department, and take pictures, so surely you had time to walk a few steps to tell Walmart personnel of the problem. Have you considered moving the carts out of the way? I move a cart or carts out of the way, for the safety of others, most everytime I go to Walmart. I do not blame Walmart for the problem as much as I blame lazy low life .

  7. 7:55-Agreed,and OSHA does not address shoplifting.Common sense prevails.

  8. You people need to get a life or a hobby. I swear I've never seen a bigger bunch of people whining about every and any thing. All sliding doors have push to open capability. If you can't read or figure that out, then stay home.

  9. The carts block the doors like a barricade. Doesn't matter if you can push them open if you can't get to them. Hire more people to watch the doors, hire people to be at the registers. Cordoning off exits with carts and locking doors to corral customers is a fire hazard.

  10. I wouldn't expect a Walmart employee to do much of anything about it. They're a lazy bunch just there to collect a paycheck. Don't care about any customers.

  11. What's the problem with an unlocked door?

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Do they even have that many shoppers after 10pm? I didn't even know until recently that they are open 24 hours. But then I rarely go back out after coming home from work.

    August 26, 2017 at 7:53 AM

    I try to go even later than 10pm. 4am is usually a good time since most shoppers/crazy people are home tucked in. I absolutely HATE going to a WalMart. NOBODY ever seems to be happy they are there, even employees. The next time you go, notice their faces. If they don't have a blank stare, they usually have a frown.

    And while you're looking around, try not to get run over by a young, fit, BLACK person/kid in those electric carts. They think those carts are there for their entertainment, NOT for us disabled CUSTOMERS.


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