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Sunday, August 13, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Delays and lack of response

Hey Joe! Was listening to the scanner today and couldn't help but notice how many times SFD crews were tied up and unable to respond to calls they were dispatched for. At least 3 and possibly 4 times today engine 16 and truck 1 were dispatched and responded to the calls together (Have noticed this happens with most large structure - don't have anything against it but what about the rest of the city and county?) Anyhow, the assistant chief on duty requested all 3 city stations be toned out for volunteer response specifically for a medical assist and got NO RESPONSE from either volunteer.

In addition, did anyone else hear SFD respond to Hebron last night to an incident on Levin Deshiell? Did they notify Hebron as a courtesy and I missed it? I can only imagine how Hebron is feeling about it. Seems SFD thinks they can just do as they please and they are superior to the other county stations. When is enough enough?

SFD egos are getting out of control. The city clearly doesn't have the volunteer support they have claimed to have since those other volunteers left. They repeatedly told the media that those members had a less than 50% response but anything is better than what they are getting now. The city and county came to an agreement giving the city more control. The city agreed to service the county territory but clearly they don't have the means to provide and unfortunately there will come a day when someone suffers due to SFD not being able to respond in a timely manner and then not having any volunteers to respond either. This agreement only benefits the city and screws the county in the long run.

The leadership on both sides is ridiculous. Jake Day who acts like everything is sunshine and rainbows, John Cannon who kisses Jake's butt in return for who knows what, and Bob Culver who goes back and forth on every decision he makes. EVERYONE on both sides need to be replaced with people who actually care about the tax payers, both city and county.

You have a station, who is recognized by Wicomico county and the state of Maryland as a legitimate fire department but they aren't being utilized because that would mean the city would lose revenue that they shouldn't be getting anyways. SFD is struggling to cover calls without being realerted and this could be drastically changed by simply utilizing this available independent company.

Joe, I'm not sure what it will take for the officials and SFD administration to realize the lives of the citizens have the potential to be severely impacted by the delay in response from SFD. Do you have any suggestions so our voices can be heard on this matter? Is there any way this agreement can be reversed as it clearly was not created to benefit anyone but the City? When will the county wake up? Does it take someone losing their life due to delayed or lack of response from SFD to make the officials see they made a huge mistake by making this agreement? I hope and pray it doesn't happen to my family, but best believe, if it does, they will experience a wrath like no other.


  1. The azz clowns at SFD (Records, Gladwell Et al...) are too busy plotting and planning how to screw volunteers to do anything productive. Playing on Facebook is their mature manner of operation. Between playing om Facebook, riding around to restaurants in the engine and playing lite bright with the cute little blue thingamajigs in the road, there isn't time for much else. These guys are pitiful. They wouldn't make a pimple on a real firefighters arse.

  2. Same as always, too many politics and the people are the ones who end up suffering.

  3. I agree with entire post. If they fail to help me or mine in a timely manner, they will be tied up in legal knots they will never get out of. That includes Day, Culver and the councils. Volunteers willing to respond and KEPT from doing so by political games!!!! Stupidity knows no bounds with that elected bunch.

    1. Culver is far from the issue it's cannon and day . All they see are $ signs.

  4. Salisbury doesn't have a fire dept. , they do have a bunch of cry babies who think they are heroes . I get sick just thinking about these idiots , lazy , good for nothing hero want-to-be. I wipe my butt with any of em , especially that Messick guy who's an obama fan.

  5. Another scanner fire chief at work!

  6. What date did this happen where the SFD crews were tied up and unable to respond to calls they were dispatched for??

    Yesterday(8/7/2017), during the "Hurricane" was the biggest Cluster F*** that I have ever heard in the history of the Salisbury Fire Department. The calls were getting backed up in the "Salisbury Fire District" and Assistant Chief 1 wanted to establish "City Wide Command," Whatever the heck that is?? Then Deputy Chief 1 was trying to take over something, but he couldn't get a word in edgewise. Then the Big Cheese(Lard@ss Hoppes) jumped in on the air and claimed he was going to be citywide command and the "Command Post" was going to be at "Headquarters." He wanted Assistant Chief 1 to do a face to face with him.

    In the mean time 8 calls were backed up and pending in the Salisbury Fire District. Why Chris Hopkins, who is a Supervisor and ended up dispatching, didn't dispatch the mutual aid from surrounding companies like he was required to do?? That's right Supervisor Chris Hopkins at Wicomico EOC was just as much the problem with this delay as Rick Hoppes was. There were 8 calls that weren't dispatched and people called in for someone to handle their emergency.

    Minutes went by and Rick Hoppes(I refuse to call him Chief) then decides to ask Central what calls were pending so that he could "Prioritize" the calls and decide what to do with them. Meanwhile Rick Hoppes, City Wide Command, has absolutely NO training or experience in dispatching calls. He has no medical training for Emergency Medical Dispatch(EMD) so there was a lot of negligence during that Hurricane yesterday.

    Rick Hoppes and the rest of the so called chiefs have no EMD training so they need to stop this "Citywide Command" Bullsh!t. Leave it to the experts at Wicomico EOC who does have the training! Let them do their damn jobs!

    1. It was a tornado...not a hurricane.

    2. This happen Friday.

  7. Anonymous said...
    The azz clowns at SFD (Records, Gladwell Et al...) are too busy plotting and planning how to screw volunteers to do anything productive. Playing on Facebook is their mature manner of operation. Between playing om Facebook, riding around to restaurants in the engine and playing lite bright with the cute little blue thingamajigs in the road, there isn't time for much else. These guys are pitiful. They wouldn't make a pimple on a real firefighters arse.

    August 8, 2017 at 2:40 PM

    I was just thinking the same thing about Rick Hoppes, he wouldn't make a pimple on a real fire chiefs a$$. Well neither would Gladwell, Records, O'Barksy, Donaway and the Acting Chiefs. What the hell is an acting chief? Do they qualify for the Emmy Awards at the end of the year?

    1. They have all been "acting" their whole career!!! "Acting" like they are competent. Bunch of pansies playing firefighter. SMDH

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Salisbury doesn't have a fire dept. , they do have a bunch of cry babies who think they are heroes . I get sick just thinking about these idiots , lazy , good for nothing hero want-to-be. I wipe my butt with any of em , especially that Messick guy who's an obama fan.

    August 8, 2017 at 4:21 PM

    What Messick guy are you talking about? I know that Union Boi Chris Truitt is a Libturd Obama fan. How many other firemen are Obama voters? I know Rick Hoppes and his family voted for Obama. They had to in order for Rick Hoppes to keep his job with Jim Ireton and Jake Day as his bosses.

  9. Salisbury just needs to shut the whole fire department mess down, sell off the equipment and buildings. Just let Delmar, Hebron, Fruitland and Parsonsburg handle it. These 4 departments have their sh** together, it appears Salisbury never, ever will. This nonsense has been going on for what 10 years now? Every since David See started as chief at least, if not longer!

  10. I just saw this on a friends Facebook page and he is right on the money. And guess what, I am a Firefighter Paramedic! I took his name off and added what he does for a career. He's got it posted on FB so I am sure he really doesn't care since he has been responding to numerous comments.

    "Salisbury Police Officer Said..."
    2 hrs ·
    Does anyone truly believe that firefighters deserve the same pay as PARAMEDICS, POLICE or SOLDIERS? 24 on, 72 off with sleep, meals and games included...
    When is the last time your community suffered from a catastrophic fire? I'm not saying that firefighters aren't needed and appreciated... but to ride the coattails of police retirements and EMS pay the way they do bankrupts communities and is undeserved. We all train to save lives and go into emergency situations. COPS are trained to TAKE a life. PARARMEDICS perform medical lifesaving. SOLDIERS are under the gun daily. Firefighters...not so much. Just saying. Stop with the self-promulgatimg sprinklers and blue reflector "cat eyes" and building inspections... sure they are necessary, but they don't justify you getting a cop's pension. Politicians lump it all together when it's sooo different... think about it...
    Bring on the hate about running into burning buildings... is that really the best you've got?

  11. Anonymous said...
    It was a tornado...not a hurricane.

    August 8, 2017 at 7:32 PM

    Big deal, it's just nomenclature.

    1. Actually it's not. There is a big difference between a hurricane and a tornado. A hurricane develops over time and is tracked. A tornado is spontaneous. Maybe you should educate yourself.

    2. 8:32, if you think a hurricane and a tornado are the same thing you are a fool. At least you were able to use the word "nomenclature" correctly. However, your post demonstrated your limited knowledge of science and weather. Obviously, you must be Dan Satterfield.

  12. Hearing wanna be Chief jester today was absolutely disgusting! Speak simple English, and without the ignorance AH!

  13. 8 calls deep? All non-priority calls, no emergency what so ever. Trees down in the roadway doesn't constitute an emergency for the fire department nor does power lines down. The fire department is not a tree company they will remove a tree only as courtesy to clear the roadway. The fire department does not put power lines back up the pole or set new poles the power company does. Now what's the problem? The person who wrote this article obviously a station 1 disgruntled volunteer on the outside looking in now still doesn't have a clue how the fire department works just like always. Furthermore station 1's ability to handle calls over the last 5 years has been incredibly questionable not knowing if they would ever respond or not yet now they claim they will provide some excellent service. I think not. Can you people guarantee handling every call? I doubt it seriously no volunteer fire company can guarantee the unknown including you people. Your stellar group of people (I have seen the names) are the worst of the worst. Again you people haven't been able to do the job in the past and I strongly doubt you will be able to do it now. But then again it's over and you will not have the chance to prove yourselves and rightfully so.

    1. They bailed you worthless paid clowns out. And don't get them confused with station 2 .

  14. 10:24, apparently neither are any of the current clowns you have now able to handle it!!

  15. Remember the city dose not run the county . Oh is the agreement a service agreement not a terrority agreement which means there paid when needed.

  16. It's far from over

  17. Joe dosnt the agreement say if they can't work together than agreement can be terminated. Well looks like that's going to happen here.

  18. OMG!
    Here we go again. Same old story brought up again and again, by the SAME ones that have nothing better to do that trash others. These repetitive posts need to stop, unless the commenters are made to list their names. Unless the readers know who these commenters are, they are unable to respond and defend themselves. These posts are lies and are unfair to the names that get posted. There are very good things that are on this website, but these articles that do nothing but trash others constantly, by people that won't include their names is just wrong! Stop allowing these disgusting articles to post, that do nothing but slander others.

    1. You mean like YOU posted YOUR name? Typical hypocrite!! Why does someone have to know who is posting about them to defend themselves? You are an idiot. You must be pip squeak Gladwell. "Whaa whaaa whaaa...mommy...it isn't fair...people are picking on me". Get a straw and suck it up buttercup.

  19. I think these are good so we can see the sfd has a ego issue and can't handle there calls .

  20. Here is the truth.
    This certain group of volunteers that decided to leave the fire department, and start their own, is just a group of people that can't get along with the others. That is it! Nothing more! This certain group of volunteers want to have their own rules and do their own thing, which is really not in the best interest of the citizens. Some are just too spoiled, because they got away with too much growing up. Life is way too short for this certain group to be filled with so much hate. It is very ugly. All that they needed to do was to let some things go that they didn't agree with, and just get along. From reading the comments posted on this story and comments from previous stories, the commenters ought to be ashamed. How about if these commenters make sure to post their name(s). Or, do they know that they can't post their names, because they are no good to begin with.

    1. You mean like YOU posted YOUR name? Typical hypocrite. Don't go away mad, just go away.

    2. Post your name

    3. 4:56..,bwahahaha...,you think you can bully and intimidate me. I don't answer to you little boy. Go back to bullying your subordinates on your shift and telling them how great you are.

  21. Anonymous said...
    You mean like YOU posted YOUR name? Typical hypocrite!! Why does someone have to know who is posting about them to defend themselves? You are an idiot. You must be pip squeak Gladwell. "Whaa whaaa whaaa...mommy...it isn't fair...people are picking on me". Get a straw and suck it up buttercup.

    August 9, 2017 at 12:16 PM

    You better leave Jimmy alone. He will beat you up.

    1. I'll tell you why I'm not worried about Jimmie beating me up. A few years ago, Jimmie accidentally stepped into my boots when he was trying to get out the door on a call. My boots came up to his waist. I had to lift him out of them because he was stuck like a turtle on its back. He couldn't even get himself out of my boots because he wasn't tall enough but I'm supposed to worry about him "beating me up". You are too funny.

    2. I remember that!!! We all started calling him "boots" then "bootsy" until he cried and we were told to stop picking on him. Ah, memories.

  22. Anonymous said...
    8:32, if you think a hurricane and a tornado are the same thing you are a fool. At least you were able to use the word "nomenclature" correctly. However, your post demonstrated your limited knowledge of science and weather. Obviously, you must be Dan Satterfield.

    August 9, 2017 at 8:20 AM

    Ok they made a mistake let it go. It's not about someone calling it a hurricaine of a tornado, it's about a worthless a$$ paid fire department. We all know the difference, the person was thinking one thing and wrote another. WAH!! Back to the fire department.

    1. They made a mistake and then tried to defend it. THAT is what's idiotic. It's indefensible.

  23. With the scary issues that are going on regarding North Korea and our great country, these certain few volunteers should stop attacking others, and want to work together. Actually, everyone should do it. It is very sad to read such mean spirited comments towards others. People need to wake up and stop this crap.
    Remember, life is way too short.

    1. 12:45 PM,.,you say "life is way too short". Well, you know what else is "way too short"? Jimmie Gladwell.....bwahahahaha

    2. Note to self, "do not read these comments while drinking my morning coffee". I laughed so hard at 1:20 pm (August 9th), 1:34 pm (August 9th) and 9:43 am (August 10th) that my coffee came out of my nose. Those are some classic comments. Can't wait to call Jimmie by his nickname "Bootsy"

  24. Anonymous said...
    They have all been "acting" their whole career!!! "Acting" like they are competent. Bunch of pansies playing firefighter. SMDH

    August 8, 2017 at 7:33 PM

    I've never seen so many acting officers in all my life. NO REAL fire department has so many acting paid fire officers as the Salisbury Fire Department. WTH is Day going to fire that pathetic fool.

    1. Please don't say the word "fire" in your comments. SFD will pull another alarm on it just to increase their numbers. Use the word "terminate".

  25. Anonymous said...
    Actually it's not. There is a big difference between a hurricane and a tornado. A hurricane develops over time and is tracked. A tornado is spontaneous. Maybe you should educate yourself.

    August 8, 2017 at 9:42 PM

    Big deal, it was a mistake. Get over it.

    1. I don't have anything to "get over". I pointed out their mistake. Instead of acknowledging it, they tried to justify it by saying "it's just nomenclature". Again, they made a mistake. Why not just say "my bad, I made a mistake". Simple. Instead, they tried to justify it and were still wrong and showing their lack of knowledge. If you are going to post something, be accountable. That's what's wrong with the world today, no one is held accountable for what they say. Then, when they are called out on it, they want to play the "victim". I bet if you went in for knee surgery and the doctor operated on your heart instead and then said "ah, it's only nomenclature I still operated on your body" you would want someone held accountable for their idiotic mistake and stupid attempt to justify it. Just admit when you screw up. It's really that simple.

  26. 12:54pm

    I don't think my comment needs to have my name. Why? Because I am not posting hateful, disgusting things about others, that have no way to defend themselves. If I was ignorant to slander another person, I would post my name. Why? Because I would not be telling a lie. If you tell a lie, you will not want to be confronted. If you are telling the truth, there is no reason to be scared to include your name. By some of the comments, it shows that there are ALOT of liars.

  27. How about ALL of the volunteers and paid people that are with the fire department, schedule a group meeting, to get together and say what they want to say, to the person or people they have an issue or issues with face to face. Posting these nasty comments will never get anything resolved. That is the only way to work on getting things resolved.

  28. The best way to fix the problems in Salisbury is to dismantle the fire department. By that I mean take the ambulances and rescue truck and move them into another building and go back to Salisbury E.M.S. and Salisbury Fire Department. All career paramedics will go with the ambulances/medic units and if need be the Firefighter/EMT's can apply for any positions they had open. If the current paramedics don't want to go with the E.M.S. Division then they can find a job somewhere else.

    Think about this, who has to come in Salisbury and bail them out all the time?? Multiple times a day you will see EMS units from Parsonsburg, Delmar, Fruitland and Hebron coming into Salisbury and handling the calls for them. Salisbury has always had more firemen than EMS personnel and why? Like the Salisbury Police Officer said "When is the last time your community suffered from a catastrophic fire?" When? When was there a need for paid firemen when it's rare to have fires. Just because they respond to a lot of car wrecks, MVC's, doesn't mean they are needed. Did you know that Salisbury and Fruitland never responded a fire truck on car accidents with reported injury?? It was done for the simple reason that the leadership in the Salisbury Fire Department was looking for a reason to increase their call volume. MVC's was the answer! In order to accomplish this they had to get Fruitland to buy into it since everyone else in the county was already responding a fire truck on reported car accidents with injuries. Doesn't mean it was needed. As a matter of fact Fruitland didn't even have an ambulance then They were a true "Fire Department." There are so many MVC's in this city and most all of them are just fender benders. So what do firemen do on those MVC's? Just stand around hoping someone will take a picture so they can post it on Facebook. Look at me, Look at me!

    Here is what happens. When someone calls 911 and says there is a car accident at so and so location or intersection and someone is complaining of some pain or an injury a fire engine and ambulance is dispatched. Ok, there is an injury. There is no rhyme or reason why a fire truck is dispatched for an accident with injuries. Just in case there is a fire? Just in case there is a gas spill? Ok then why isn't a fire truck dispatched to an MVC without injuries? The bottom line is the fact that a fire truck is NOT needed on MVC's! If they were the Salisbury Fire Department would have automatically responded on them prior to when they did.

    As I was writing this I heard Station 16 fire and Paramedic 16 dispatched for an MVC involving a pedestrian in the parking lot of Food Lion on Nanticoke Road. Engine-Tanker 1-1 responded with paid fireman out of Station 16. Really? An engine-tanker carrying a lot of water responding very fast with lights and siren to someone with a boo boo in the Food Lion parking lot. Maybe they were afraid the pedestrian was going to catch on fire.

    Does anyone remember the year that the Salisbury Fire Department and the Fruitland Fire Department started responding on reported MVC's with injuries?

    As a matter of fact the city should buy back the old fire station across from the library and put all the ambulances in there. You can even put the rescue truck in that building and let the EMS division handle the rescue calls like they do in many jurisdictions. True rescue companies handle EMS and rescues with entrapment.

    It can be done. the City of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania has EMS totally separate from the the fire department. Pittsburgh EMS handles ALL EMS, Rescue and Special Operations. It can be done in Salisbury. Google it if you don't believe me. Cleveland Ohio is the same way. EMS is not provided through the fire department. It can be done in Salisbury.

    The bottom line is that EMS in Salisbury is being used by the paid firemen to justify their jobs and the two need to be separate! Can you imagine the millions of dollars that could be saved! Just do it!

  29. Who is Deputy Chief 2 with Salisbury?

  30. Anonymous said...
    Salisbury doesn't have a fire dept. , they do have a bunch of cry babies who think they are heroes . I get sick just thinking about these idiots , lazy , good for nothing hero want-to-be. I wipe my butt with any of em , especially that Messick guy who's an obama fan.

    August 8, 2017 at 4:21 PM

    It's not a fire department mainly because of Rick Hoppes and John Tull being the chief and deputy chiefs. Salisbury doesn't have a fire department because there is a lack of leadership. Look at these last promotions.

    Promoting a wannabe fake cop to Lieutenant? That guy has a criminal record and was arrested for stalking and impersonating a police officer. Mike Lewis' staff arrested David Cox and Rick Hoppes. Losers and Criminals!

  31. Anonymous said...
    Hearing wanna be Chief jester today was absolutely disgusting! Speak simple English, and without the ignorance AH!

    August 8, 2017 at 9:56 PM

    Jay Jester has never been a firefighter. He is afraid of fire. He pretended to be a MFRI instructor, but he refused to go in the burn building with live fire. He was afraid of live fire. How can you be a fire instructor and be afraid of fire. How can you be a paid fireman and be afraid of fire?

    That's right Jay Jester is afraid of fire and so is Rick Hoppes. Rick Hoppes never fought fire. He was too fat, scared and lazy.

    1. This is a lie! He's afraid to get his ears burnt again, after playing hero in OC running through fire like an idiot. Now that's a fact!

  32. Anonymous said...
    Here we go again. Same old story brought up again and again, by the SAME ones that have nothing better to do that trash others. These repetitive posts need to stop, unless the commenters are made to list their names. Unless the readers know who these commenters are, they are unable to respond and defend themselves. These posts are lies and are unfair to the names that get posted. There are very good things that are on this website, but these articles that do nothing but trash others constantly, by people that won't include their names is just wrong! Stop allowing these disgusting articles to post, that do nothing but slander others.

    August 9, 2017 at 11:27 AM

    OMG!! What a disgusting comment with no name. Don't let these comments go through without signing a name like I didn't do. Wah, Wah, Wah. I'm a paid Farmin an thay be pickin on me. Wah, I wanna no who be pickin on me but i aint tryna be signin mah name.

  33. Joe I think this post you posted would get a heck of a lot of comments if you posted a picture of a Salisbury Fire Truck, Rick Hoppes, John Tull, Darrin Scott, Records, O'barski, Jimi Gladwell, Jimi Lloyd Jester, David Cocks or any of the other paid clowns from Salisbury. That is what this story is lacking. I don't think your picture is the right one for this story. I'm saying that because I missed it several times because it just doesn't stand out at you.

  34. Muir Boda
    17 hrs · Salisbury ·

    Bob Culver

    I wanted to take a moment and apologize for my actions and comments this past Monday evening at the Salisbury City Council work session. My comments were unprofessional and failed to recognize and afford you the respect of the Office of County Executive.
    I appreciate all that you do in your role as County Executive and most certainly appreciate your efforts on Monday to assist our residents who were affected by the tornado and storm damage.
    I will also post this message publicly, since the meeting was in open session.

    Thanks for your service and time.
    Muir W. Boda
    Vice President Salisbury City Council

  35. Anonymous said...
    How about ALL of the volunteers and paid people that are with the fire department, schedule a group meeting, to get together and say what they want to say, to the person or people they have an issue or issues with face to face. Posting these nasty comments will never get anything resolved. That is the only way to work on getting things resolved.

    August 9, 2017 at 1:45 PM

    That's been tried, but Jake Day and Rick Hoppes want it there way or the highway.

  36. Anonymous said...
    I'll tell you why I'm not worried about Jimmie beating me up. A few years ago, Jimmie accidentally stepped into my boots when he was trying to get out the door on a call. My boots came up to his waist. I had to lift him out of them because he was stuck like a turtle on its back. He couldn't even get himself out of my boots because he wasn't tall enough but I'm supposed to worry about him "beating me up". You are too funny.

    August 9, 2017 at 1:20 PM

    Bwahahahahahaha! That was a funny mental visual of that piss ant. Like a rat that fell into a bucket of water drowning.

  37. Anonymous said...
    I remember that!!! We all started calling him "boots" then "bootsy" until he cried and we were told to stop picking on him. Ah, memories.

    August 9, 2017 at 1:34 PM

    Stop picking on who?

  38. Hey at least Jason King gets it. So much respect for that man! Jason King for Mayor of Salisbury.

  39. Anonymous said...
    Here is the truth.
    This certain group of volunteers that decided to leave the fire department, and start their own, is just a group of people that can't get along with the others. That is it! Nothing more! This certain group of volunteers want to have their own rules and do their own thing, which is really not in the best interest of the citizens. Some are just too spoiled, because they got away with too much growing up. Life is way too short for this certain group to be filled with so much hate. It is very ugly. All that they needed to do was to let some things go that they didn't agree with, and just get along. From reading the comments posted on this story and comments from previous stories, the commenters ought to be ashamed. How about if these commenters make sure to post their name(s). Or, do they know that they can't post their names, because they are no good to begin with.

    August 9, 2017 at 12:39 PM

    And we noticed you didn't sign your name you f'n Douche Bag!!

    Your real story is not real or you would have signed your name. Idiot!

  40. Anonymous said...
    Please don't say the word "fire" in your comments. SFD will pull another alarm on it just to increase their numbers. Use the word "terminate".

    August 9, 2017 at 1:21 PM

    BWAHAHA! Yep, another way to increase the calls to justify paid firemen jobs.

  41. Jake Day really milked that Tornado didn't he. He made it all about Salisbury when in fact it happened much on county and state property but Jake Day needed attention so he made it all about him. Look at me Look at me.

  42. Jake Day tweeted this about the Station 1 Volunteers

    Mayor Jake Day‏ @jacobrday 10 hours ago

    Chamber & GSC: We don’t need a new fire district "Delmarvanow Story" redacted the url

    Large pic of Mike Dumb

    This Daily Rag story about the Chamber and the Greater Salisbury Committee is just two idiots taking sides with Jake Day. I am a member of both organizations and I am getting sick and tire of both organizations doing things like this and making comments and decisions on my behalf without asking me. Who the Hell does Mike Dunn think he is anyway!!

  43. Mayor Jake Day‏ @jacobrday Mar 6

    SBY fee moratorium grows homeownership in #Salisbury #capitaloftheeasternshore @CityofSBY

    0 replies 1 retweet 4 likes

    I just saw this on the Boi Mare's twitter account. "#capitaloftheeeasternshore" Who in the living Hell does Jake Day think he is claiming that Salisbury is the Capital of the Eastern Shore??? I know a lot people all over the Eastern Shore that can't stand Salisbury and won't come anywhere near it because of the ghetto's and crime.

  44. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I don't think my comment needs to have my name. Why? Because I am not posting hateful, disgusting things about others, that have no way to defend themselves. If I was ignorant to slander another person, I would post my name. Why? Because I would not be telling a lie. If you tell a lie, you will not want to be confronted. If you are telling the truth, there is no reason to be scared to include your name. By some of the comments, it shows that there are ALOT of liars.

    August 9, 2017 at 1:27 PM

    Then you don't have a right to tell anyone to sign their name you worthless crock of dog fecies. You worthless paid farmin.


  45. Anon August 10, 2017 at 4:47 AM

    This is the best post I've ever seen about the SFD. This is a Comment Worthy of a Post. Screw their job security.

  46. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Muir Boda
    17 hrs · Salisbury ·

    Bob Culver

    I wanted to take a moment and apologize for my actions and comments this past Monday evening at the Salisbury City Council work session. My comments were unprofessional and failed to recognize and afford you the respect of the Office of County Executive.
    I appreciate all that you do in your role as County Executive and most certainly appreciate your efforts on Monday to assist our residents who were affected by the tornado and storm damage.
    I will also post this message publicly, since the meeting was in open session.

    Thanks for your service and time.
    Muir W. Boda
    Vice President Salisbury City Council

    August 10, 2017 at 5:34 AM

    Muir Boda you friggin Coward! Run your mouth about the man for no reason then like a Pu$$y you apologize. Stick to your words coward.

  47. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Muir Boda
    17 hrs · Salisbury ·

    Bob Culver

    I wanted to take a moment and apologize for my actions and comments this past Monday evening at the Salisbury City Council work session. My comments were unprofessional and failed to recognize and afford you the respect of the Office of County Executive.
    I appreciate all that you do in your role as County Executive and most certainly appreciate your efforts on Monday to assist our residents who were affected by the tornado and storm damage.
    I will also post this message publicly, since the meeting was in open session.

    Thanks for your service and time.
    Muir W. Boda
    Vice President Salisbury City Council

    August 10, 2017 at 5:34 AM

    Muir Boda you friggin Coward! Run your mouth about the man for no reason then like a Pu$$y you apologize. Stick to your words coward.

    August 10, 2017 at 8:51 AM

    You know if Laura Mitchell and Jackie Welfonder likes Muir's fake apology and comments on it that it is not sincere.

  48. I just got done reading a study that was done under Salisbury Fire Chief Brezler. It stated that less than 3% of total calls in the city were fire related??? Only 3% of the call volume was fire related. That means that nearly 97% of the call volume is EMS related.

    So I have one question for all you Salisbury Fire Trolls out there making the numerous comments on here.

    If only 3% of the calls are fire related and 97% of the calls are EMS related then why is it called the "Salisbury Fire Department?"

    Shouldn't it really be called Salisbury Emergency Medical Services Department!!!

    I'm waiting Trolls. Please explain this one...

    1. Exactly!!! Have it set up like Dorchester County where there is Countywide EMS and all fire departments are VOLUNTEER!!!!

  49. At 1250 hours Station 16 and 2 got dispatched for a Rescue at Perdue on Willow Street for a subject trapped in a machine.

    Engine 16 responds and never advises they arrive on scene.
    Deputy Chief 2 responded and arrived on scene and established command.
    Assistant Chief 1 arrives on scene.
    EMS 1 responds then says he is going to the station.
    Deputy Chief 2 tells Assistant Chief 2 to take command because he wanted to go inside without gear on and be nosy.
    Truck 1 responds to the scene.
    Truck 2 responds to the scene.
    Central asks Command if Engine 16 is on the scene yet? Command says "that's right Engine 16 with 20S and 4, a total of 5."
    Rescue 16 finally responds with Eric Cramer saying "Responding with EMS 1 and 2. WTH is an EMS 1 and 2??
    All this fire apparatus and no Paramedic ambulance for a serious EMS call. WTF!! This proves where the priorities are at the Salisbury Fire Department and it's not EMS. The first priority is to secure job security for the paid firemen. That is why Firefighters should NOT be running EMS. That is why that Salisbury Police officer who made that Facebook post knows that paid firemen are OVERPAID and NOT NEEDED!
    Assistant Chief 2 accepts command
    Finally Assistant Chief 2 asks Central if there is an ambulance responding. Central said "Command I think that B-1 is responding???"
    Ambulance B-1 pipes in and says "that's correct Central we are responding."

    Deputy Chief 2(Darrin Scott) who sneaked into Perdue to be nosy says "Deputy Chief 2 to command can you have someone bring us some oxygen?(no ambulance on the scene, but they are "providing EMS with no oxygen. "I thought they provided the best Basic Life support around." And I thought that "80% of life saving measures are BLS skills. Any paramedic will tell you that having a strong partner in BASIC LIFE SUPPORT is makes their job much easier and can be the deciding factor on survivability??" Ok then where the heck is the OXYGEN!!)"

    B-1 finally arrived on the scene 2:57, the last unit on the scene. Took almost 10 minutes to get there and NO PARAMEDIC on board. It was an EMS call so why wasn't it the first unit on the scene? Why wasn't an ambulance the first unit to respond.

    "Purdue Command under control" at 1501 hours.

    Ambulance B-1 left for the hospital at 1505.
    Deputy Chief 2 left the scene at 1507 hours.
    Engine 16 left the scene at 1507 hours.
    Ambulance B-1 arrived at the hospital at 1508 hours. Approximately 20 minutes on the scene and the patient was extricated without tools. Approximately 20 minutes on the scene and the hospital is only a minute away. Poor patient.

    More than 15 paid firemen standing around. I guess that Salisbury police officer was 100% accurate.

    "Assistant Chief 1 is available" at 1517 hours.

    If you think this looks and sounds like a big Cluster F***(fire department terminology) then you you can only imagine what it was like at Monday's hurricane..

    1. It was a tornado...not a hurricane.

  50. I saw the video of the fire service agreement where Jake, Muir and Jim were bad mouthing the County Executive and the Station 13 volunteers.

    Not only that Jim Ireton was on his cell phone text messaging the entire time...

    Then I looked at April Jackson and she was text messaging the entire time...

    Then I notice Julia Glanz and Jake Day were whispering, giggleing and talking the whole time.

    Then the department heads were laughing and giggling at negative comments about Bob Culver.

    Then I say Andy Kitzrow on his tablet, whispering, giggleing and talking the whole time.

    That was a very disorderly meeting put on by the city council. Obviously that Douche Bag Muir Boda can't handle a small city council meeting...

  51. What does it take to reduce delays in any department. Recruit and Retain volunteers who actually go out and served the community. (Not picking on people. I know many who only show up when the rig has left the station so they can mark up and go home), Hire more career staff (with volunteers having to work several jobs to get by they cant but up at the station all the time. Yes it takes fire fighters from both sides of the fence to get the job done. Making the statement of " they will experience a wrath like no other" is kinda pointless. Salisbury or any other fire department can have trained people staffing every one of there rigs and there could still be delays.


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