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Monday, August 14, 2017

9-11 Photos The Networks Will NOT Show You!!! - Remembering The Jumpers


  1. And 3. 2. 1. Go!!

    Personally I am not in the conspiratorial camp on this one, but will enjoy reading the comments and who knows, maybe I will be swayed.

  2. 12:20 PM Ha ha ha, I am not overly concerned that you believe. There are sheep everywhere. I've gotten used to it.

  3. Lots of disturbing inaction regarding the FBI and the ones who trained these men to land but not take off the big airliners.
    It reminds me of what is happening now by letting unvetted immigrants into our nation while setting up sanctuary places for them. Once again, very disturbing and it makes no sense.

  4. 16 years have gone quickly and our nations skyrocketed debt and lack of trust for one another.


  5. 7:25 Yep.....History......repeat......History......repeat.......History......repeat...........................
    History...repeat......History.....repeat. All the true meaning of stupidity.


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