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Monday, August 14, 2017

3 Attorneys Found Dead In Wasserman Schultz Florida District In 2 Weeks

Three high profile attorneys have been found dead in Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Florida district in the last two weeks, prompting the plaintiff in the massive DNC fraud lawsuit being held in Florida to request protection from the court for the plaintiffs, their witnesses and their families.

While the DNC fraud lawsuit has been hit with a mainstream media blackout, the case continues to unravel the corruption at the heart of the Democratic National Committee, and with the discovery phase still to come, the skeletons in the DNC’s closet have never been closer to receiving a disinfecting dose of sunlight.

Jared Beck, attorney for the plaintiffs in the DNC fraud lawsuit taking place in Miami, uploaded a video Tuesday in which he thanked supporters for offering their “concerns, prayers and support” in the wake of recent disturbing murders.

“After much consideration and deliberation we have decided it is time to bring these concerns to the court’s attention. Today we filed a motion to judge William Zloch, to issue an order providing for the protection of the plaintiffs and their families, as well as all potential witnesses in the DNC fraud lawsuit.”



  1. Don't even think loudly that you have anything on Hilliary!

  2. and the Clinton saga continues.......

  3. Clinton's will never stop

  4. But of course not a peep out of the main stream media,they are worthless and not believable.

  5. Wasserman a little Hillary. She must be in charge of the Soros / Clinton Mafia division in Florida. The bodies just keep on coming.

  6. Looks like someone's chickens are coming home to roost. At some point, the dots will be connected in a way that even the liberals will not be able to ignore and it will lead to HRC and Billy Boy. Now I will go into hiding!!

  7. I guess I was too late to comment on the Clinton ties to dead bodies... good job to the readers that commented already. It's nice to see that the herd is thinning and fewer people every day are sheeple.


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