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Friday, August 11, 2017

1,000 African Migrants Armed With Sticks, Improvised Spears Storm Spanish Border

A reported 1,000 African migrants armed with makeshift weapons tried to storm the Spanish enclave of Ceuta on Tuesday morning.

According to Ceuta’s Civil Guard Command, at least three Spanish officers and 10 Moroccans were injured as authorities managed to push back the “extremely violent” mob of African migrants brandishing sticks, hand-made spears, and sharp objects, some of whom were throwing stones at police.

The fresh attempt to enter European Union (EU) territory from Morocco came just a day after a policeman’s leg was broken as 300 sub-Saharan Africans stormed the Tarajal crossing, 187 of them succeeding in their quest to break into the Spanish enclave.



  1. Colonists should leave. Imperialism is over. Africa for Africans.

    1. Hello but Spain is not in Africa.

    2. Ceuta is in Africa. It is a Spanish colony in Africa.

  2. Obama, are you satisfied now?

  3. It is an invasion, they do not have to be wearing a military uniform in order to be an invading force. The best weapon the viet-cong had was not wearing a reconisable uniform! That way they blended in with the regular population making hard to see your enemy.

  4. Wait, what 443? Whats the Obama connection here?

  5. 7:08 AM, the Obama connection? He spreads dissention and hate wherever he goes, whatever he does, looks like a connection to me too.


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