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Friday, July 28, 2017

Ya Think?


  1. Anyone willing to work is a winner. I was always taught to take pride in your work no matter what the job is, or where it is located. I worked there in the past to supplement my full time job, because I lived alone, and didn't have much left over for food after paying my rent, car payment, and utilities. It was a good experience and good part time job. You earn every cent you make, so I wouldn't consider anyone working there a loser.

  2. Everybody deserves some respect for a job that they do well, no matter what it is, and some respect for going out there to get a job.

  3. All work is honorable.

  4. lol it was meant to say "closers"

  5. FULLY STAFFED.....at Tilghman Road Taco Hell!!!!!!


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