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Sunday, July 16, 2017

Will Denny's In Salisbury Be The Next Victim Of Closing Their Doors At Midnight?

It's bad enough that WaWa and Royal Farms are already forced to close their doors at midnight because of way too many calls to the Salisbury Police.

Commenters clearly stated, how bad it is that Denny's has to hire two off duty Police Officers for Denny's alone, pretty scary stuff.

Then we have Boy Mayor Day and Police Chief Barbara Duncan claiming "crime is down in Salisbury". How about the transient people wanting a cup of coffee, traveling through the Bypass and stop into Denny's at all hours of the day and night. 

What about all the rapes that continue to happen in Salisbury. Shootings, murders, stabbings, the list goes on and on. I even know of businesses right on Main Street in Downtown Salisbury where they lock their doors during the daytime business hours. 

How many people have to be assaulted in Salisbury before the Mayor and Chief recognize there's a very serious problem? Will women ever be safe coming into the City Limits any more? We all know of friends and family who refuse to come to Salisbury after dark. You are literally taking you life into your own hands if you do, that's a fact. 

I have spoken to numerous people recently who flat out said no matter what, they will not be going back to Denny's, period. We'd like to know, will YOU be going back? Let this Police Chief and Mayor know how you feel in comments.


  1. I discussed this with my husband last night. There is no way we'll go back. It simply is not worth the risk.

  2. No thanks to SBY - I moved to Worcester due to the schools and rampant crime. Protecting my family is my priority, and as the powers that be continue to deny that there is a problem, I see no reason to be anywhere near there. Totally unsafe

  3. Only logical solution!! Its not worth it to the Rommel family and it's not worth it to the staff and legitimate patrons that might frequent there after midnight

  4. Schools are horrible. Crime is on the increase. Salisbury is in sad condition.

  5. Excellent article and very true... There's no way I'd go to that Denny's again - night or day. Why go to places known for gang-banger hangouts? It's bad for business, indeed.

  6. Avoid Salisbury all the time!! I was born here and refuse to go if I do I always go with someone. I can go toward Berlin, west ocean city for Wal-Mart, tractor supply, home depot.if I need Lowes go to Hillsboro. Period! Will not touch the center of Salisbury and tell my girls not to go

  7. Look, we all know it is totally unsafe in Salisbury, but until Chief Duncan and Boy Mayor Day will ADMIT to that fact, what are we to do? I don't like the FACT that I can't go get in my vehicle and go down to the store after a certain hour. How is that fair? A bunch of thugs run this town after certain hours and that is also a FACT. Hell, the powers that be can't admit to anything in this town. They are currently revamping the WaWa store on S. Salisbury Blvd. but what good is that going to do when you can't get in there without having to pass by a bunch of no count, low life individuals that hang out in the front of the place. Don't think so, not for me. I would really like to be like Samantha on Bewitched and wiggle my nose and make it all go away and change for the good. Wishful thinking!!!

  8. Denny's used to be by court plaza many years ago and was a great place to grab breakfast after a night out, But then young black males started going there in droves and used threats and intimidation to any white people who went there. They closed after many incidents even though they hired police to guard the door.

    1. Are you sure their all black because Salisbury state is right their

  9. The shootings were in the parking lot.
    Not good for sure, but let's be clear that the folks inside were safe.
    Denny's has obviously had trouble for many years. That's why the security guards.
    But it is the only place to go with a friend late at night for food, coffee, dessert.
    I still go. I park close to the door and check before going out.

    1. Are you serious??? Are the windows in Dennys bullet proof? They weren't safe. All it would take is one stray bullet and an innocent patron to be struck. And what's parking by the door going to do if unruly people come in and block the door. You obviously live in a fairy tale world and sadly wouldn't even see something bad coming at you.

  10. Boy Day, I asked yesterday and still waiting.

    WHAT SAY YOU?????

  11. 10:03 You are exactly correct in your comment, my wife and I also stopped going there just because we did not fell safe and were not getting service.

  12. It's sad to say but so undeniably true it IS UNSAFE and the problem isn't going anywhere and the will continue to progressively get worse. There is an infestation of gang bangers and career criminals here that feed the area with poison. Their assessment of Salisbury is just like your child-like mayor the college feeds the local economy both good and bad. Then the close proximity to the beaches. Its a cash cow for the illegal element. Then again boy wonder mayor Day wants to continue to provide affordable housing the problem will only continue to grow.

  13. I will continue to go to Denny's at Punkin Court, just not after bar and club closing time. Same with the Wawa.

  14. Nope done with Denny's. How soon before we hear black lives matters? :)

    1. Was waiting for someone to mention race...all lives matter.

  15. Sure I'll got to Denny's. It just won't be between 10pm and 5am.

  16. Is Al Sharpton coming? I've always wanted to meet him in person!

  17. We are in Bishopville and rarely ever go to Salisbury anymore and the main reason is it is a very unsafe city. The Rt13 strip is okay in parts but the rest of the city is horrid. Of course there are a few small pockets here and there where it's still decent but for the most part it is really bad. Just driving around you can see major blight and poverty. When you see so much of that it is a clue that Sby is very very unsafe. The schools too are bad. It's a shame some people are stuck living in such a place.

  18. denny's in sby used to close at midnite, back when it was down by the college

  19. SMACK city people, like the mayor says the gateway to the eastern shore, only for drugs and gangs though, LMAO JAKE DAY you're a putz

  20. I steer clear of any place that has metal detectors and armed guards. Sure sign they expect something bad to happen.

  21. Nothing will change until leadership changes. That's in the Mayors office and surely the Police Chiefs office. Jake Day will never do either.......

  22. Just goto the Dennys in Fruitland. I will never go to the Salisbury Dennys again especially after the man died on the floor entrance.

  23. Only if they surround it with a chain link fence-ooops, forgot that is the main reason why people are reluctant to move into Salisbury.Not crime, not dead bodies floating the river downtown, not increased sexual assaults, but chain linked fencing-that is the scourge of Salisbury.

  24. Welcome to Baltimore on the Eastern shore.

  25. A new Denny's will be opening in OC in the near future. It will take the place of the old JR's at the end of the Route 90 Bridge (62nd street). No Thugs in OC during the offseason!!!!!

    Just vagrants sleeping down in the inlet!

    1. No you have the drug addicts...

  26. Don't punish a restaurant for something the thugs are doing. Denney's is perfectly fine most hours of the day and I've had some excellent meal there lately.
    So here's the real problem: ever since the prison started releasing prisoners locally, our crime rate has risen dramatically. Ask any narc and/or parole off icier and they will tell you the rate of recidivism (repeat crimes while on parole) is extremely high immediately after their release.
    So, do not allow criminals the choice to stay here if they were transported to ECI from another part of the state.

    1. Absolutely I have been saying this for years as I have worked for both ECI and for property management. Girlfriends, baby moms and wives move here to be closer and get section 8 housing. Then when baby dad is released he moves right in not even on the lease. There is no way to prove he is there unless a crime occurs and his ID has listed that as residence. Do away with section 8. Problems solved.

  27. salisbury sucks plain and simple. Denny's? come on who the hell eats that slop. Have a little more regard for what you put in your body!
    Aint no place safe in salisbury after dark! thanks dukin day!

  28. My husband and I ate here every Saturday night. We would get off work about 1 am When we were there last week and saw the large groups hanging out in parking lot, car doors open, music blaring we talked about not coming for our Saturday night visit anymore. Thank goodness I was sick this week and we didn't go, or we would had been right in middle of this. So to answer the question....NO NEVER again will will visit Denny's day or night. Remember the shooting at the old salisbury mall, that was the last nail in their coffin.

    1. I'm pretty sure there was a shooting at the "new" mall in the 90s and it's still open.
      Please stop bad mouthing Denny's. I was there Sunday for dinner and will continue to support them.

    2. Virginia boys shot in the mall and got off

    3. Blame the parents, your local djs and therapist who make excuses for the behavior, drug em up for checks and do not hold em accountable or prepare them for real life. By the time they become teens/adults they have no respect for authority rules and or reality

  29. Salisbury taints the County. It is not Culver's watch but the County does have a horse in tge race.
    Culver should damn the political correctness and nicities and call the City out on its unwillingness to acknowledge and act on the City crime issues.

  30. I get tired of seeing all of the heroin addicts around town

    1. Yes, of course we're all sick of it. But WHAT'S THE SOLUTION?
      We can't keep whining about the people hanging around Acme, Wawa, even the library and expect someone to wave a magic wand... Are you involved in community meetings, city council, ANYTHING? We need to tackle this problem together!

  31. Police NOT doing their job here and many other spots in Salisbury/Wicomico County...WHY are these gangs allowed to hang out and do drug deals continually with NO pushing back??? Where are the police, what are they doing? NOTHING, that's what.

    1. Miss know it all over here. Why don't you try and put one of their uniforms on ? I pray for our law enforcement

    2. Police did their job..he was just off duty. Glad he was there

  32. They do not need to close Denny's. Close at a reasonable hour to help deter problem behavior. I have been going to Denny's at punkin court weekly for the last 9 years and I have never had a problem. Don't close the business. Get rid of the problem individuals or deal with them !!

  33. I was in the Denny's in question a couple of weeks ago. It was around 8:30 on a Sunday evening. First off I knew I was going to Denny's, not Ruth's Chris Steak House. I didn't expect our server to be a ivy league scholar. What I really didn't expect was to stumble into thug central. Black, white and trash of all races and color. The vulgarity flowed quicker then the coffee. Some of conversations I over heard were appalling. Since it was some what crowded every one thought they had to talk over the top of others to be heard. There for I can only imagine what that place would be like at 3 am. I'll take my business to Sage Diner next time I want diner food.

  34. 12:22 - you are so right!

  35. I'll take my business to Sage Diner next time I want diner food.

    July 10, 2017 at 1:01 PM


  36. Bacon eggs bullets.

    1. 219 that's like breakfast 🍳 in the Wild West. Don't forget your piece, cowboy 🤠 hat and boots. Yeeha!

  37. Dennys also in Fruitland. Might want to go there instead even if the wait staff is loud and echo in the huge rooms.

  38. Just go to the Denny's in Fruitland. Until there's a shooting there. Then will go to the drive-thru at McDonalds. Until there's a shooting there. Then.............

  39. It's no longer safe, especially at night in Salisbury. If my wife wants to go shopping at night, I go with her. Been hit up more than once for money at Gordy's Exxon on 50 and Isabella street and at the Royal Farms in Hebron. They start out polite and ask for either money or to use your debit card to fill up their gas tank. When you tell them no, you get F you, or the finger. All of them black and all with a similar hard luck story.

    1. So I guess that one that hangs in clairmont shopping center w/ the dirty blond hair, muscular build who has clear mental health issues who I saw damn near bullying whites for $$ is black too? He dont even give a story.

  40. Anywhere they gather at night, be it a restaurant, club, convenience store, motel, or party, there is gun violence. Gun laws don't mean a thing to those people, but our politicians all think more gun laws are the answer. At least that's what they want YOU to think. The real reason they want to regulate guns is to eventually make all guns illegal so they can be confiscated. It has nothing to do with citizen safety. Then their grip on power will be absolute and they can nullify the constitution.

  41. Restaurants and late night places need to become private clubs that way you can control what patrons you want to have.

  42. The powers that be can not admit there is a problem because it will spotlight the black community where the rampant crime and ghetto life are prevalent.

    1. Funny heroin has a face too. And they are aggressively attacking that problem. Maybe it's all the local fake activist and the degree toting elite going in circles. Instead of involving people who are right there in the mist of it. Your djs workers, probation officers, prp workers, mentors people who spend a abundance of time w/ these kids and their families people who can tell u its the parent or it s the child, not giving money like it's a band aid temporary.

  43. I eat breakfast at the Dennys several times a week. I like the employees who work during the day, and will still support them. The problems always stem after midnight! I also think they should close at 11:00 pm. A lot of the people out after midnight seem to involving into causing trouble and illegal activity, thus why two off duty security guards! Lets close at 11-12 and let the rats find another place to trash!

  44. Acme in salisbury (former giant grocery store) is another terrible area. People always coming up to you wanting money
    Day and night time. Homeless people smoking sitting right at the doors. Those homeless, always smoking, talking on cell phones, and tatoos. I dont understand this. I no longer go there.

  45. Oh man now we will have to deal with al sharpton and jesse jackson.

  46. I won't go there or to the Gordy Exxon at Punkin' Court. They were robbed last fall early in the evening! Ditto for Gordy's at Isabella Street and the Wawa on the south end of town near the S Curves. I stick with Royal Farm stores for night shopping or Wawa in Delmar because they are always safe. I agree about Acme too, no good any more. I shop at Food Lion in Fruitland now or the Food Lion on Route 50. If you want Denny's then go to Fruitland.

  47. Anyone care to guess where these Rhodes scholars were partying before they went to Denny's? My guess is Queen City elks or the vfw on w main. Why is nothing done to keep these places from turning a private club into a public rathole of criminal activity?

    1. They were kicked out of Reign in the twilley shopping center..

  48. 11:48 just vagrants and scavenger's from all over.

  49. Police presents for yrs and that didnt stop anything from happening so nothing will i guess

    1. You something else sis. I can imagine what your children could been if you had been a more responsible mother & father. They take care of you. Drugs, dragging to hotels homeless. Only the grace of god yours didnt act out or let their lives reflect the anger they must feel being raised by you and that no count dad of theirs. They varely smiled and some living your life Be real.

  50. Sorry folks, I went to Denny's in Fruitland recently after a late night shift on a Saturday night and felt just as unsafe. I will never go to either location again unless it is daylight out.

    1. You must be pretty paranoid, then. I'm not trying to insult you by any means, but the Salisbury Denny's is much, MUCH scarier than the Fruitland Denny's; they've always had more problems.

  51. 6:49, Please tell me you haven't graduated 4th grade yet.

  52. I used to work there and every overnight shift i felt scared for my life. I have seen all kinds of things happen there. I personally dont go into salsibury after certain hours of the night. And i soon will be moving far from salisbury. There isnt a day that we dont hear about someone being shot or a fight or stabbing. Im sick of it.

  53. Unfortunately I see crime everyday. I drive these ppl around for a living. At any given second they could blow my head off for what little money I do make to support my family. It's an honest living (not the best but my health says I have no other choice) I have much respect for state police and sheriff's department. On a few incidents I had to deal with Salisbury police. Twice I had a gun to my head and the third an illegal immigrant was threatening to cut my throat after I took him on a drug deal. Salisbury police on each incident took 30mins to get to me then asked me what did I want them to do? So we ask why is crime up? Yes our officers work tremendous hrs but they aren't working together. Then you have the community that doesn't come forward when they know things are bad. Mom's aren't home to make sure that their children are behaved. The disruptive kids at school are forced to stay and disrupt our classrooms. More low income housing is being put in and $5 rent leaves extra money for alcohol, drugs and guns. Most of them do not need low income housing as I drive by and see 30 day tags on cars I cant afford working 60hrs a week. We are a breeding ground for crime. Jake Day is blind if he can't see what's happening. For the love of God our senior citizens are even being sexually assaulted! We can keep shutting down businesses after certain hrs but what's it going to stop? Cab drivers drive these fools! We know what they will do! There's nothing to keep us safe and the owners are too damn greedy to shut it down after certain hrs! So they will still go somewhere and yes they call cabs to home invasions. Businesses close that just leaves them to roam the streets and terrorize citizens in their own homes. Jake Day needs to get it together. This town isn't safe for anyone.

  54. I would not be out after dark in the city.

  55. I was frightened at the Salisbury Mall this past week. Went in Library door entrance and noticed a young man parked near the door sitting in his car. When I came out he jumped out of his car and rushed over to me yelling that he had sunglasses he wanted me to see. I said no thank you but he kept coming. I am elderly and I was aware I could have been in danger. I hurried to lock myself in my car and leave the scene ......circled around and found no security so I call local police. This was before noon on a weekday. No security and I will not be going back to that entrance.

  56. so what's the solution to the city crime rate?

  57. 9:05.... I apologize that the date on the statement at 9:05 was the wrong day. It was Saturday morning...and very frightening. I'm elderly so it is no longer safe for me to be out alone.

  58. To 11:53 a.m. Yes, inmates get released from ECI but the majority of the crime is homegrown. These are becoming generations of criminals in this area but the main problem is, the younger generation is becoming extremely violent. Don't put the blame on the ECI releases, put it on past and present law enforcement that allowed the gangs to take hold, put it on the politicians that shove it down the public's throst that crime is down, news agencies that only report what they are told to report, schools that have lost control and parents who won't parent or the government dictates what parenting is. Put it on the drugs, put it on the legalization of marihuana, put it on the laws changing to make petty theft a citation. Our society is screwed up but the same ol keeps getting voted back in or their buddies do, then those same ones make a comeback and start another whole cycle.

  59. 9:32, a good start would be for the Mayor, Police Chief and local media to finally admit crime is through the roof. Admit that Salisbury is very dangerous. Force Governor Hogan to make all ECI inmates being removed from prison go back to where they came from, like Baltimore.

    Salisbury and its leaders have admitted that there are almost double the amount of people now living here over the last decade, yet their police force is about 25% less in size then it was 25 years ago. Hire more officers.

    1. They do hire officers. The officers don't stay. As soon as they fulfill their contract (if they wait that long) they're off to other agencies. The mayor and council spend hundreds of thousands of dollars training officers who go to work for other police departments. Why? Because the three top administrators at the police department make the lives of the officers miserable. The Chief and the two below her. When Dykes was chief, Salisbury police department was the best department on the shore. The older officers are waiting on their retirement and there will be no one qualified to replace them when they do. The lack of experience at SPD caused the former states attorney to require all murder cases in Salisbury to be investigated by Maryland state police. We are watching the City of Salisbury implode in real time. It is hollowing out. White flight has been going on for a while and the black communities are in a death spiral. In ten years you won't be able Chicago and Salisbury apart. Salisbury can be saved but not like this. Throwing money at the downtown area is making developers and contractors rich but it does nothing for the community as a whole. Clean out the upper echelon and restructure your police department. Stop spending money feeding thugs pizza. Double down on community oriented policing. Lock the thugs up and get them lengthy sentences. Give your officers the discretion they need to do their jobs. Talk to the officers and learn why they want to work someplace else.

  60. Instead of talking find something for these kids to do, so they can start living as you do.poverty is not a choice it is what it is. Life can only get better if you help the youth not feel so hopeless.

    1. Bs it starts at home. Learn how make something out of nothing play football in the yard. Giving em dont solve nothing. Thats why their so entitled now.

  61. Lmao the stuff that comes out of people's mouths. As long as ignorance CO tinues, every county will continue to have these issues. Wake up people. It's not just Salisbury. It's Berlin. It's Ocean City. It's Crisfield. pocomoke and princess Anne. So stop being ridiculous. It's ignorance like this that keeps the problems going. Worthless article.

  62. Why do our leaders let this stuff go unchecked ? Are the federal payouts so good they would trade them for local tax payers ? Because White flight is happening in Da Bury !

  63. lol lol so after reading a lot of worthless comments im going to assume the bad folk in SALISBURY ONLY DO CRIME IN SALISBURY! its only a hop skip and a jump from the next town Crimes and senseless acts are EVERYWHERE Lets not be so naïve people

  64. Me and my husband who works night shift use to go there at 3am and when we heard that we won't go back.I have seen the undercover police in there at night, I feel bad they had to be put in that situation. We also have gone to the one in fruitland, stopped going there because there were so many druggies in there at night.They wreaked of marijuana and were talking loud and making noises and jumping around in thier seats..was so disgusted we just wait till daylight to go.

  65. Yes, I would go back if I were allowed to bear arms and defend myself like the constitution says I do. This damn mayor and governor have no right to circumvent OUR Constitution. We need to stand up to these filthy thugs. Have a police officer search these scum bags late at night. My bet is everyone of these fools have a weapon on them. But the law abiding people are not allowed to have a weapon. And no, I will not go there at night.I also believe that the police should have the right to stop and search anyone out late at night to see if they have a firearm.

    1. I agree and search those who look like gun toting rednecks, or look like suicide bombers

  66. Chief Dykes is rolling in his grave to see how lawless this place has become.

  67. You can't fix stupid, these clowns have NO future ahead of them, they're all going to rich famous drug dealing rap artist. Bunch fuc**** punks

  68. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I agree and search those who look like gun toting rednecks, or look like suicide bombers

    July 11, 2017 at 8:52 PM

    oh, so you want to give up even more rights and not adhere to our Constitution? Just so your punk ass might feel safe or harass people you don't like or think their appearance is unbecoming?

    somebody needs to take your dumbass behind a shed.

  69. Have they re-opened?

  70. No one would wait on my wife and I the last time we went there.We were initially seated at a table on the left as you walk in & sat there for a half hour.Waiters and waitresses were walking all around us but would not take our order.We are white,not that it matters.I even talked to the manager & still no one came.First time in my life that ever happened.We were not PO'd when we left,but we left.Strange.


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