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Monday, July 31, 2017

Wicomico County Detention Facility Death

Wicomico County can confirm that the identity of the Detention Center inmate who died on Saturday is Erland Edward Roessler, III.

Mr. Roessler had been working at the County Roads Department as part of the Poplar Hill pre-release work program and had performed well. For that reason, upon his release, Wicomico County hired him on a probationary basis to continue working at our Roads Division.

Mr. Roessler was arrested Friday, July 28, 2017, and charged with the robbery of the PNC Bank located at 1019 West Isabella Street, Salisbury, Maryland 21801.

His intake into the Detention facility followed standard protocol and he was being held over for a hearing. There was nothing unusual about his intake or his behavior and demeanor.

He was later discovered unresponsive during regular officer rounds. He was transferred to Peninsula Regional Medical Center by ambulance and later pronounced dead. Mr. Roessler had hung himself.

1 comment:

  1. So sad when people who clearly need help from mental health doctors have no access to them. So sad.


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