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Monday, July 17, 2017



  1. Doesn't the "limited" video of the impact show a plane coming in at a low angle of approach? It would've made more sense to me for the plane to have hit on the inside of the building thus making it more difficult for first responders to arrive on the scene. But, what do I know?

  2. After all these years, I still have mixed feelings and doubts regarding 9/11...why is it when we have catastrophes like this in our nation there is Always an element of doubt, confusion, theories and so much more...

    I know the government is Not to be trusted and We are to be vigilant, but where do we draw the line on all this?

  3. Draw the line where they have to stand, just before we drop the trap door.

  4. Well most Americans are pretty damn stupid if you ask me...

    I saw a missile hit that building not a plane!!!! And the very first images they put on TV were that from the gas station across the street, and I sure as hell didn't see any plane hit the building nor did I see any plane debris on the ground... So all can believe the lying media all you want... Even if the terrorist were real, the govt knew and let it happen, so that should tell you something in and of itself...

  5. It is totally disrespectful to the people who died on those planes to try to spin this tragedy into some conspiracy. Shame on you 10:10. Have fun living in your alternate world.

    1. Look at actual history, especially of this country and you will realize that an inside job would not be that surprising. Every war we end up in is based on lies.
      The disrespect to victims of 9/11 and victims of all the wars that followed would be to swallow the Government propaganda with absolutely no questions or critical thinking.

  6. What about that picture seems impossible? its not like it's flying upside down or sideways. that seems like a perfectly logical and realistic way of the plane hitting the building. that flying angle looks almost like a normal landing angle, without gear down. thank you for sealing away any doubt that it was, indeed, a plane that hit the building.

  7. I agree about all this conspiracy nonsense! How could anyone be fooled into believing our own government attacked our own people. Do you know how ridiculous that sounds! All the crazys and fringe groups love this type of thetoric. People stop believing this nonsense and remember and respect all who lost their lives in this tragedy!

  8. 1149
    You are simply ignorant of the truth about the event.
    Do a bit of research for crying out loud.
    The MSM and US Government lied to all of us about the event.
    The war on terror is fake and the event was used as a pretext for massive fraud and murder.

    Wake up. You owe that much to the victims.

  9. Yes, the plane came in at a very low angle. I was on the Beltway on 9/11 and it almost left skid marks on my roof. You tin foil people really need to get a life.

  10. Two Trillion. Just like that.
    Only a day before 911, on September 10, 2001, kindly Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, admitted, during the last peaceful day of terror-free living, that 2.3 trillion of Pentagon money was missing and unaccounted for.
    What a fortunate thing to happen---a wonderful thing, this 911 attack---wonderful indeed for those who stole/ embezzled/ purloined/ pocketed those trillions. Suddenly "Arab terrorists" had provided a Godsend (Allah be praised), provided a perfect distraction, for generals and general contractors and Fortune 500 corporations and the Pentagon comptroller and the Sec-Def and everyone else it seems---everyone, that is, but the average American or the average Muslim.Imagine if you owned a bank and an investigation determined that you and your relatives had embezzled two trillion dollars from your bank. Newspapers blared the headline: "Two Trillion Missing." But--BUT---before the ink had dried on the tabloids, a nasty group of Islamofascists blew your bank ( or at least the records section) to smithereens. What a lucky break for you and your relatives. What an unlucky break for all those employees killed.
    But wait! In the following weeks, government inspectors (without investigating further) allowed your bank, encouraged your bank, to collect MORE funds---500 billion more per year---to squander or spend however you felt.
    Because that is EXACTLY what happened in the 24 hours between the time Rumsfeld admitted the money went missing from the Pentagon and the 911 "terror" attack on the five-sided fortress.
    Flight 77, or the remote controlled aircraft that blew concentric holes through six walls (airplane parts indicate the latter), slammed into the newly remodeled Army financial management/audit area and the Army personnel offices, one of two main west section offices heavily destroyed in the Pentagon attack. The other section being the Naval Command Center. Casualties were heavy.

  11. Yeh sure 7:36...you know what really bothers me about this!! all the video of the World Trade Center...however the number 1 military industrial complex in the world and we have a crappy grainy unreliable footage!!! that in itself is suspect 7:36

  12. nope. nose down, descending angle...

  13. 10:10 don't know what u were watching, but I saw the plane hit. u must watch cnn.


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