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Friday, July 14, 2017

We Don't Understand Either


  1. What even is this lol

  2. President Trump for 7.5 years Sounds good to me. I actually bought an American Flag again and fly it with PRIDE. Purchased at dollar general 10.00 dollars. Stamped MADE IN AMERICA on it. I'm slowly noticing many more on homes.

  3. It's because there aren't enough men in the U.S. that look like you, GQ lumberjack guy.

  4. I ask that same question several times a day!

  5. The media gives air time to these groups making them seem much larger than they are trying to brain wash people to agree with them.

  6. We aren't sitting back, that's why Trump won.

  7. The guy has a good question. I can't answer it though. Can anyone help me out?

  8. Because we have a bunch of liberal idiots in this country. Is that the right answer?

  9. Yes, have noticed more are flying American Flags.
    I think it's a Great idea. And ---especially now
    since we have the "chance" to " Be Great Again!"
    God Bless Trump and the U.S.A.!

  10. I can't understand it either. It seems the Dems would rather destroy our country than allowing a duly elected president do his job.

    I get it, they don't like Trump, or losing election(s). Me and millions of others didn't like obammy but we suffered through 8 years of failed hope and change, why can't they bite their tongue and do the same?

    What is their alternative? Killary? Bernie? Puh-lease.

  11. Because the dems are stupid enough to believe that the muslims will vote for them. I guess they aren't concerned about terrorism or having muslims cutting off their heads in 20-30 years. Read what Sarsour says about using the dems.

  12. Sad to say, but it's all about race. The media could never attack Obama due to his ethnicity. Now they have a conservative white President, it's all open season. Shouldn't the FCC be looking into this unfair and untrue reporting or will we be nation influenced by media propaganda like the Chinese?


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