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Monday, July 17, 2017

WCBOE, WCEA, APSAS Reach New Contract Agreements

The Board of Education of Wicomico County (WCBOE) is pleased to announce that it has reached a new negotiated agreement with the Wicomico County Education Association (WCEA), which represents more than 1,250 certificated teachers in the school district. In the agreement, teachers will receive a step on the scale plus a percent depending on years of service with Wicomico County Public Schools.

WCBOE also recently ratified a new negotiated agreement with Association of Public School Administrators and Supervisors of Wicomico County, the union which represents approximately 105 administrators in the school district, including principals, assistant principals, and supervisors.

As for the school system’s support staff, WCBOE continues to work toward a new agreement for these employees. Superintendent Dr. Donna Hanlin says the district hopes to finalize an agreement soon with the leadership of the Wicomico Education Association-Education Support Personnel. “We are still negotiating, and we will remain at the table to get a new contract, as we truly value all our employees,” Hanlin said.

Wicomico County Public Schools operates 26 schools and education centers in Wicomico County, preparing the county’s approximately 15,000 students for college and career.


  1. any contract for public employees should be ratified by a citizen vote.
    all numbers should be in the public eye.

  2. It will never be fair they made sure the people making top pay were Taking care of support staff doesn't have a chance. Its sounds like it time to publish salaries again. Just remember it's for 210 days for teachers. Assistants should be able to get unemployment for the summer. Ocean city workers get I all winter they only work may 5 to 6 months.

  3. Anyone know when this takes effect??

  4. This is exactly why we need this elected school board! There are many of us in the private sector who haven't received raises or cost of living increases since the great recession started in 2008. We need accountability. We can't keep paying for the tax increases that go with these pay raises. BOE employees make more than most of the private sector.
    There is a major problem when government employees who's wages are paid through tax money are higher than average incomes in this county. I don't care what education or degree you have. A lot in the private sector also have degrees and we don't make these salaries. There needs to be some kind of push back on this!!!

    1. Well, the minimum wage went up in 2014,2015,2016,2017 & next year.

    2. Well sounds like maybe you should work for the public sector then instead of crying about it. If you want change, make change!

  5. The way schools have gotten there should be a non-negotiable 15% pay /benefit decrease. They should be on a performance based salary / benefits. Anything short of this means the children and tax payers lose again.

  6. 1:48 Join a union

  7. 3:15 Change can come about through revolution!
    Private sector pays your wages through taxation.
    This is the kind of arrogance would expect from an entitled BOE employee!


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