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Sunday, July 02, 2017

Understand the weight of this image

This soldier lost both of his arms. The feeling of a handshake is lost to him.

Trump realized this touched his face so he can feel the human connection.

He gave up a billionaire lifestyle so he could be insulted, dragged through the mud, and lied about on a daily basis.


  1. Recall the quote from Ronald Reagan when president and shook hands with Trump in a White House receiving line; "I think I just shook the hand of a future president". Admittedly I was worried about Trump's brash style going in to the election. Also admittedly I was desperate for a conservative in the White House. None of the other candidates were stacking up. Donald, in retrospect I am sorry I doubted you. You are a savvy business man and running the government like a business. You have surrounded yourself with people who have been there and done that, all to great success. Despite the media and far left claims, Trump is proving to be a caring, generous, and compassionate president who will make America great again.

  2. Compare this to the turd that just vacated President Trump's current residence!


  3. "He gave up a billionaire lifestyle so he could be insulted, dragged through the mud, and lied about on a daily basis.."

    This is the most important thing you will say today (or any day).

    He may be a bit quirky, but Mr Trump is the real deal.. a 'mensch' as our Jewish friends might say.

    Think long and hard about the way he is laying down his well-heeled life for the good of our country.. and after being President, he can never return to the freedom he once had.

    THANK YOU, Mr President!

  4. I like this man more and more every day! I have nothing but the utmost respect for President Donald J. Trump and will defend him wholeheartedly. I will take a bullet for him even if the SS won't.

  5. Real Deal, first time in a while!

  6. Been on The Trump Train since day one and don't regret it.
    Thank you Mr. President!
    Trump/Pence 2020!

  7. Trump is the real deal.
    Obama was just a token, because he was black...oops, half black.

  8. Compare that to Biden's "stand up Joe" moment

  9. Maybe this will be the beginning of a new phase of American history. A true patriot that will listen to the will of the people. We can only hope and pray!

  10. I don't like Trump at all!!!! But even I have to admit this is a beautiful picture and it shows a side of Trump we rarely see! Ok Ok Joe you made my day - damn you!!!

  11. I praise God every day for delivering our country a true leader.

  12. It takes a strong person with great personal compass and compassion to connect with people on all levels at all levels. This is the rare quality held by Trump and why he resonates with so many people. On a personal level, he's engaging and this quality shines through even when talking to massive groups and rally-size crowds. He is a true rock star in that sense - making sure everyone in the room understands, he gets them on a very personable level and he genuinely seeks to make their personal lives better by making America great again. Once you understand this, everything he says and does ceases to be a mystery.

    1. Thornton, well said and so true. This picture made me want to weep.

  13. God Bless our President!!!


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