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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Uber Discriminates Against Riders With Disabilities, Suit Says

All around Valerie Joseph, there is a fleet of Uber cars rolling by on New York City streets.

But though she could really use the ride-hailing app, Ms. Joseph said she does not bother because Uber has so few wheelchair-accessible cars to dispatch. “It’s plain unfair,” said Ms. Joseph, 41, who relies on a wheelchair.

Now, Ms. Joseph is part of a class-action lawsuit accusing Uber of discriminating against New York City riders with disabilities by providing scant access to wheelchair-accessible cars at a time when ride-hailing apps are becoming a common alternative to public transit in the city. The lawsuit was filed on Tuesday in State Supreme Court in Manhattan by Disability Rights Advocates, a nonprofit organization.



  1. How many Crown Vic's have you seen with a cab crown on top that are wheelchair accessible?


  2. Uber isn't her only choice, so find someone else to hire.
    If I were an Uber, I wouldn't want to have to deal with your wheelchair either.
    I can't pick it up and I don't need my vehicle damaged by it

    You have other choices, use then instead of forcing your will on to others.

    Tired of the "me" generation.

  3. I heard that Soros owns Uber , is that a true statement ?


  4. Uber is basically a revenue sharing arrangement between a booking agent and an independent driver. The driver uses whatever vehicle they own, so if not too many people have purchased handicap accessible vehicles due to a variety of factors which could include cost, there figure to be few of them in the Uber 'fleet'.

    Nobody's 'fault'; just her specific needs don't fit into an unsubsidized marketplace very well. She does have subsidized options.

  5. Yeah that's exactly what an uber driver wants to deal with when they are trying to make easy money, which I sure don't blame them. But when they scratch their wheel chair or don't smile right or bend over backward for every little request they will get sued or a bad review. Hold on let me sign up right now!!

  6. Since when should everyone drop to the lowest common denominator to accommodate everyone who is disabled?

    Wake up! It would be cheaper to pay the disabled.

  7. So should the UBER cab have hearing impaired, vision impaired, wheel chair ramps, nut free, loud sound preventing, bright light preventing, hypo allergenic accommodations?


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