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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Trump’s Temporary Work Visa Expansion Will Boost Maryland’s Crabbing Industry, Workers Say

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — To help seasonal American businesses, the Trump administration is allowing more foreign workers into the U.S.

Alex DeMetrick reports, that’s welcome news to Maryland’s seafood industry.

It’s the height of Maryland’s crab season right now, and at J.M. Clayton Seafood Company in Cambridge, crab picking is going full throttle.

Those doing the work are from Mexico, here on temporary work visas called H-2Bs, because the company can’t find local Americans to pick crabs. Not with other opportunities available to them.

“They can learn trades, community colleges, they want to better themselves, get a 12-month job, and these seasonal seafood jobs, we just can’t offer that,” says Jack Brooks.



  1. Get real! There is no such thing as "can’t find local Americans to pick crabs". It's just that our visa laws permit employers to pay more than Americans.

    Old, worn out excuse PERIOD.

  2. 4:41 is spot on - if the politicians would turn off the welfare spigot for able-bodied adults that refuse to work - and make them starve without a roof over their heads - some of them would actually work - the rest of them should be allowed to fester in their miserableness and die!

  3. They said crabbing was down.

  4. Because this generation doesn't want to pick crabs the next generation will have to pick crabs.

  5. Maryland a Sanctuary State, they come we Pay.


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