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Sunday, July 02, 2017

Today's Survey Question 6-28-17

History will look back on Obama as...


  1. One of the greatest Presidents.

  2. The biggest joke of a President since LBJ.

  3. Great for the gun industry. :-)

  4. The 1st Black POTUS......and thats basically all he was.......

  5. Depending on which party gains control moving forward...he should be looked back on as the first black President and Osama Bin Linden was killed on his watch....that's it.

  6. Another Hitler in America who almost succeeded .

  7. someone who was elected due to the peter principal and his skin color

  8. I asked my family today over a late lunch to tell me what they'll remember about Obama. Their answers are summed up as describing him as the first half-black muslim president that put refugees ahead of our citizens to greatly promote racism and unaccountability. He's the snake that has tried to destroy the US from within while he lived the life of luxury at the tax payers expense.

  9. The president who, despite massive opposition, put us on the path to government funded National Healthcare for all. Because it will happen sooner or later. We can't remain the only developed country on earth without national healthcare.

  10. One of the best presidents:

    - Passed healthcare reform Insurity millions of people
    - Rescued the economy - specifically auto industry
    - Passed Consumer Protection Act
    - Entered into global agreement on climate changer
    - Brought back 90% of troops deployed in Iraq
    - Supported recognition of same sex marriage
    - Stopped DREAMers from deportations
    - Presided over operation to kill bin-Laden
    - Signed Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act
    - Cut veteran homelessness by 47%
    - Cut the deficit to 3.2%
    - Expanded definition of hate crime
    - Protected LGBT Americans from employment discrimination
    - Avoided major scandals and improved American image abroad

    1. You must work for CNN.

    2. You are delusional if you think he did all that. He will go down as a traitor who tried to destroy our country.

    3. Obama Crooked BastardoJune 28, 2017 at 6:28 PM

      1) Rammed Affordable Care Act through Congress using Nancy Pelosi and Democ-rat majority, without single Republican or Independent vote. Nothing affordable about it, raising cost of basic healthcare for millions of Americans, while claiming "You Can Keep Your Doctor" Lie #1
      2) Orchestrated the Bailout of General Motors and Chrysler while using Millions of Dollars from Taxpayers Fund, In order to have 51% majority and they are government controlled. Under the promise of all debt owed would be paid back, which didn't happen, Lie #2
      3) Global Agreement was oriented towards USA Taxpayers paying 90% of the cost, China and India 1%, all based on Global Warming, which was proven to be hoax, Lie #3
      4) Allowed hords of DREAMers into country while claiming they would be going through rigorous vetting process, which they were not. Lie #4
      5) Operation to get Bin Laden was started by Leon Panetta who made orders to send helicopters with Seal Team 6 to carry the task. Obama was playing golf, when he was made aware of the mission, helicopters were already flying over the compound and Obama initially refused to give the order, saying he needed more time. Lie #5
      6) Cut Veteran Homelessness? That's a Lie #6
      7) Cut the Deficit? LOL! Federal Deficit was 9 Trillion when Obama took office. When he left, Deficit was close to 19 Trillions, more than doubled. Lie #7
      8) Protected LGBTs from Employment Discrimination? Really, what did he do? Had the White House dressed up in Rainbow Colors, Yes, he did that. But forgot about Red, White & Blue on 4th of July. Yes, he did.
      9) Avoided major scandals and improved American image? Are you joking? So, while having produced Fake Birth Certificate from Hawaii, which numerous investigators here and overseas proved to be fake, Lie #8.While using Connecticut state issued S.S. # belonging to deceased man who retired in Hawaii. BTW, Obama's maternal grandmother was working at S.S. office there at the time, coincidence? Lie#9
      And proclaiming to be the first Black President is also LIE. In fact Barry O. is exactly 50/50 mix, with all members of mother's family White and all members of father's family Black. So in reality, Barack is Bi-Racial.
      And he is also a Muslim, while pretending to be Christian. But don't take my word for it,By his own admission in his book Dreams of my Father.
      So, Shepie, stop watching CNN, MSNBC propaganda and start reading.

    4. Thank you for the reminders of what Obama gave himself credit for but either didn't do or made worse. He'll go down as a great pretender.

  11. As the worst President in U.S. history.

  12. First President that was not a U.S. citizen and tried to take our country and give it to the Muslims.

  13. As the 5th best president ever.
    Ronald Reagan #1
    Teddy Roosevelt # 2
    The other 40 presidents tied for #3
    Jimmy Carter #4
    Barry Zero #5

  14. Government Funded Health Care for all?! What a joke. My health insurance premiums went from $600/mo to $1,500/mo under the scum bag Muslim's rule.

    We've been without health insurance since ACA inception.

    He incited, encouraged and helped increase racial divisions in this country through his sucking up to race baiters like Jackson and Sharpton. Instead of providing leadership and helping us get over race issues, he increased tensions in this country through idiotic comments like, "If I had a son, he'd look like that dead thug."

    O=Loser Scum.

  15. I agree with 3:56

  16. The laziest president ever, as opposed to our current hardest working president ever

  17. Hey 3:25
    You need attention , have you taken your meds today or have you just been brain washed ? All of what you listed is a crock of crap.

  18. 4:22 still waiting for an argument based on facts to refute what I stated.


  19. Obummer will go down as perhaps the only President in US history to be worse than Jimmy Carter.
    Obummer tried to take the land of the free based on Judaeo Christian principals and capitalism and turn it into a socialist hell hole where productive working people are forced to pay the medical bills of the lazy.

  20. 2:58


    Healthcare is NOT a right. You want healthcare? Pay for it yourself!

  21. 3:25 watch cnn much?

  22. As your typical ghetto trash hustler who couldn't open his mouth without lying. As a lazy loser. The leaked emails showed the Clinton campaign called blacks lazy losers and they were right on about Obama being one.

  23. History will look back on Obama as.... little as possible.

  24. Wrong place at the wrong time.

  25. Alex is somewhere between stupid and delusional.

    I can not believe that you honestly feel that Hussein Obama avoided major scandals. What about "Fast and Furious", Benghazi, IRS, Russia, swearing to uphold the Constitution and then refusing to enforce immigration laws, unmasking, just to name a few. Any honest President would have named an independent counsel to dig out the truth. But Obama was nothing but a liar from day one.

  26. His two greatest achievements:

    1. Getting Trump elected - by backing Hillary

    2. Getting Larry Hogan elected -- by backing Anthony Brown

  27. History will likely look back on the worthless subject as I do now. The most vile ilk that ever pasted through.

  28. He did more harm to our Nation then any enemy I can ever recall.

  29. Well done, 6:28. And that doesn't even begin to touch the sleaze factor. First president in my lifetime to be shunned by foreign dignitaries. Improved our image overseas, also a lie.

  30. 6:28......NAILED IT!

  31. Jackass and made mockery of White House

  32. the least qualified person to ever hold the office of President.

  33. Friends with Hollywood jay z and Beyoncé.

  34. Wow. 6:28 memorized all the Sean Hannity talking points. Great job.

  35. Anonymous said...
    One of the greatest Presidents.

    June 28, 2017 at 2:01 PM

    Says Chuck Cook!

  36. After they find out he was an illegal Muslim from Kenya occupying the White House.

  37. He will be remember as the least qualified and one of the worst presidents to ever hold office. His arrogance and his lack of creditability will what people will remember. A racist, a divisive and professional politician who looks out for himself over anything else. He accomplished NO significant legacy to be remembered. Our country not only screwed up when they voted him in office, but was stupid enough to do it twice. Worst president in my lifetime, and maybe in history.

  38. used the presidency for his own financial and political gain. His net worth when he went in was $8M and is now over $40M. In eight years. And his lying is pathological. He couldn't care less about this country or its people.

  39. A snake charmer from the start bred and raised to be what he is.

  40. A poster child for the presidential two term limit.

  41. The dark years.
    Quote " If I had a son"
    Doubled deficit
    Doublede health care payments for my family
    Giving freebies to non citizens ( education) and so on
    Didn't do anything for our veterans.
    Said how bad Hillary would be as a president when he was running against her then how great she would be when she was not running against him. LIAR!
    Like I said " The dark years"

  42. The Obama Clown was elected by fraudulent votes!


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