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Sunday, July 09, 2017

Straight Guys Really Don’t Like Dudes Kissing Dudes

For straight guys, seeing images of two men kissing creates the same physiological stress as pictures of rotting flesh and maggots, according to research published recently.

Scientists found that straight men felt disgust when shown slideshows of gay men kissing. Researchers said this reaction was similar to the disgust straight men experienced when shown images rotting flesh or maggots. That was even true for straight men who reported no prejudice against homosexuals.

The American Institute of Bisexuality, a non-profit charity that “focuses on outreach within the bisexual community,” funded the study. Researchers saidtheir goal was to make science “more inclusive of LGBTQ identities and experiences.”

“We originally were interested in understanding the health effects of same-sex vs. mixed-sex public displays of affection for the couples in the relationship,” Dr. Karen L. Blair, a psychologist at St. Francis Xavier University who authored the research, told PsyPost.



  1. This dude sure as hell don't want to see it.

  2. It should be illegal.

  3. Actually, rotting flesh with maggots is much less repulsive to look at.

  4. Yeah...but give me too hot girls kissing anytime!!

  5. Amen!!! Could u imagine kissing a man (or woman lol) with more facial hair than yourself!! Wtf!!! How do u justify it???!!!!

  6. 7:50
    Wives who have husbands with beards do it all the time.

  7. There are many women I don't want to kiss (past failed presidential candidate), and I know darn well I won't kiss a male.

  8. 8:12 yea and my wife likes it
    What's ur point?

  9. Some women are way to hot to give up. Ugh can't even image finding a guy good looking!! Makes me quizzy to think about and I get very uncomfortable when I see it. Micro aggression because strait males don't have a safe space!

  10. Good grief!!! NO ONE like to see 'same sex' kissing 'same sex'...Not Normal, Perverted. period

  11. That beach in Delaware where they do it and hold hands, is awful to go to.

  12. 8:32
    Yeah she tells me the same thing.

  13. Straight Guys Really Don’t Like Dudes Kissing Dudes

    Really?? DUH!!!

  14. straight women dont like seeing two dudes kissing either., nor two women kissing. i agree not normal! ok next will come the accusations....you bigot, homophobe, and racists, oh well let it roll...it still wont change my mind.

  15. It's so disgusting I won't even drive thru Rehoboth Beach of course our ex mare loves it.

  16. Don't forget the man bun.

  17. I just can not understand how a male can not appreciate a good looking woman. There is nothing like else the feel, scent or touch of an attractive woman.

  18. It's one of those things that just gives me that eeeew feeling.


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