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Thursday, July 06, 2017

Stossel: The Declaration of Independence wasn't about rules to follow, it was about people ruling themselves

Did you think about the signing of the Declaration of Independence this week?

The July 4 holiday is meant to honor that, not just fireworks. Ironically, government's grown so much since 1776 that fireworks might be illegal in your town.

The Declaration wasn't about creating rules for citizens to obey. It wasn't just about condemning the British, either.

Thomas Jefferson and his colleagues created a document steeped in the idea of individual rights. He could have written about the desire to replace a bad king with a good king, but he didn't.

The founders' bold plan was to design a completely new sort of country -- one where people could rule themselves.

The Colonies were already known around the world for being a place where enterprising people could chart their own destiny. Now they would become a nation.

The population grew quickly as opportunity attracted immigrants. There were no walls to stop people from coming ashore and few rules to stop anyone from building a home or a business, or trying out new ideas.

So people prospered.



  1. Fireworks are illegal because of idiots. That's what most laws are written for, the idiots who ruin it for the rest of us

  2. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Fireworks are illegal because of idiots. That's what most laws are written for, the idiots who ruin it for the rest of us

    July 6, 2017 at 10:50 AM

    Laws are written to control the masses and to collect money from them. The powers that be do not care about anyone or anything else, idiots included.

  3. Fireworks are illegal because of the IDIOTS WHO PASSED THE LAW.
    People get killed sitting on the front step of their house. They get killed in some very strange ways every day.
    We have politicians who, in their almost God-like wisdom, believe THEY can stop people from dying with just a few more laws.
    What do these leeches do? Scan the obits every day for another action or device they can ban or regulate? With an imposing FINE.
    3:33 nailed it.
    They couldn't care less about your "safety". If you live or die means NOTHING AT ALL to them.
    If you have some money they haven't taken yet, well, THAT gets their attention.
    That's all you need to know about "politicians". Ticks have more integrity and concern for "we, the people". They both want your blood, but ticks are, at least, up front about it.
    Keep cheering.


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