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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Sessions signals more police property seizures coming

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday that the Justice Department will make it easier for local law enforcement to seize cash and property from crime suspects and reap the proceeds.

The practice has been criticized because it allows law enforcement to take possessions — such as cars and money — without indictments or evidence a crime has been committed.

Sessions said a shift will be announced this week that will increase the use of asset forfeiture, especially for drug suspects.

"With care and professionalism, we plan to develop policies to increase forfeitures. No criminal should be allowed to keep the proceeds of their crime," Sessions told local prosecutors in Minnesota.

A change would likely represent another reversal by Sessions of Obama-era Justice Department policies. His Democratic predecessor Eric Holder had tightened control of the department's asset forfeiture operations amid concerns that property could be seized without judicial oversight and without the owner ever being charged with a crime.



  1. With cops lying, and making you proof the innocence of your money, and since cops can't prove you did or didn't buy this or that with money made from crime, they will end up taking it all, and that is what has been doing for a long time in other states...

    This just shows you how stupid you people truly are... And what is more sad than you being that stupid is you either don't care, or think you won't be affected by it, until you are, and then it will be to late as usual...

    I have to admit, you all are good little slaves, that is for sure!!!!!

  2. I'm all in favor of seizing assets, once the person has been proven guilty. It's just like paper money; if a cop "suspects" that you have drugs in your possession then the chances are pretty good that if you have enough cash on you (especially $20's), that they have passed through some druggies hands and that residue can be on the money. The dog will pick up on it and voila, the cops will rip your car apart and make you a criminal too!

    1. little more to it then that. Lol.

  3. Go for it , it's about time we screwed the druggies. 12:22 and 1:19 , you guys are the ones who are doomed . Take everything they own or even think they own , take their pets , family and furniture. Take their cars , trucks and cash . Take it all.

  4. A kinder, gentler, machine gun hand . . .


  5. "This just shows you how stupid you people truly are... And what is more sad than you being that stupid is you either don't care, or think you won't be affected by it, until you are, and then it will be to late as usual..."

    And who exactly do you think YOU are, ace? God's intellectual gift to humanity?

    You can bite my butt, sport. And I'm sure many will join me in that sentiment.

  6. 1:49 if you think only druggies will get screwed by this you are living in a dream world. Your mind will change when it happens to you.


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