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Monday, July 17, 2017

Research Team Slams Global Warming Data In New Report: "Not Reality... Totally Inconsistent With Credible Temperature Data"

As world leaders, namely in the European Union, attack President Trump for pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement which would have saddled Americans with billions upon billions of dollars in debt and economic losses, a new bombshell report that analyzed Global Average Surface Temperature (GAST) data produced by NASA, the NOAA and HADLEY proves the President was right on target with his refusal to be a part of the new initiative.

According to the report, which has been peer reviewed by administrators, scientists and researchers from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.), and several of America’s leading universities, the data is completely bunk:



  1. You mean the EPA that Trump gutted and replaced with men who have stock and interests in big oil? Now what possible reasons would they have for creating evidence against climate change...? But that's okay, when 97% of doctors are telling you that you have cancer and 3% are telling you that you're just fine and it'll buff out, the logical move is to trust the 3% right?

  2. With all due respect how are we supposed to know if the data matches when Trump has been removing the information from federal websites?

  3. Yeah, it turns out that for eight years the Obama administration's science guys were reading the charts upside down. It was a simple mistake that anybody could have made.

  4. Science does NOT work like this. I wish you guys would get it through your thick skulls. The NOAA NASA data has been meticulously scrutinized by multiple reviews that validated the agencies' findings. You cant just cherry pick a single report and act like its a smokimg gun that invalidates all the data. Put it this way, if you dont trust NOAA or NASA data, you might as well cut off your computer and cell phome, leave your gps alone, and cease looking at the weather forecast all together because all of these are brought to you in part from NOAA and NASA data.

  5. Its all BS. deceive lie cheat and steal is the progressives moto

  6. Cheers 3:18. They'd have you believe a single study and small sample sizes are valid evidence.

  7. This just goes to show that Trump was right again. Climate change is a big hoax for the sole purpose of wealth redistribution. Obama told you he was going to redistribute the wealth only you thought he meant take from the rich and give to the poor. You didn't realize he meant take your hard earned tax money and give to third world countries.


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