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Friday, July 28, 2017

Research it for yourselves...


  1. since his daddy was a naval admiral I'm sure he was well protected and nothing was ever found to be his fault!
    Thanks Daddy! aint life grand?
    total buffoon!

  2. US sailor here. This allegation is bs. Electrical problem caused discharge of a weapon starting a massive fire. We are required to watch and train on this before entering a ship. Half the sailors used the foam to put out and contain the fire while the other half used seawater, which washed the foam away. Horrible tragedy but shame on you for posting this conspiracy crap just because he doesn't vote your way.

  3. As a former sailor, I have been trying to get people to research this story for years (the USS Forrestal fire was the center of the Navy's fire protection training in the 80's.) Unfortunately, no republican wanted to believe it until now. I wonder why...

  4. Certainly he wouldn't say anything was his fault but one thing is a certain that he never was injured and he ran from the blaze to watch the real hero's fight the fire and die. John McCain a true politician through and through

  5. The willingness of you all to buy into these conspiracy theories based on one picture is truly alarming.

  6. He's a charter member of the swamp.
    Drain it.

  7. Don't forget the misfiled CIA tape of McCains confession while a POW, or the Keeting 5. No McCain is a true peice of work that a special cell is awaiting him in the Nethar world.

  8. Pilots don't get much practical training in shipboard firefighting. They're instructed to get out of the way while people who are trained can do their jobs.
    Believe me, unless they're part of the ship's crew (the air detachment isn't), you don't want any officers doing any sort of firefighting or getting in the way of those who are doing it.

  9. The man is a hero till he steps out of line.. then time do demonize him into submission!!

    Terrifying precedents we are setting here folks. We are getting more polarized and more polarized and less rational at all times.

    Time to stop the decisiveness. We are all Americans and most of us want the same thing.

    Lets put the brakes on a bit, before we become no better than the fascists.

  10. The Prophet has been telling about this for a very long time.

  11. While I am in no way a fan of John McCain, I do not believe he started the fire. I have hear all about the building of fuel in his plane's engine then lighting it causing the plane behind him to drop his missile and starting it. I also know about his reckless reputation in the pilot seat to include downing wires in Italy. But the evidence I have seen and read does not show he did it. It does show that a missile from an F4 on the other side of the flight deck fired off and struck the plane behind McCain. This killed the driver of that plane instantly. McCain said he heard and felt the bomb hit. He then got out and ran through the flames. It he had done a wet start and cooked off the missile on the A6 behind him, his plane would have been blown to bits killing McCain. McCain could not have caused the missile to fire off...as much as I would like to pin the blame on him, I cannot.

  12. Truth, what a concept...

  13. His father and Jim Morrison's father (believe it or not) were behind the fake Gulf of Tonkin incident which created the pretext to start the Viet Nam war.

    Both men worked for the big corporations who profit off of war.

    John McCain was never well liked and not trusted by his fellow servicemen. Many people believe he was in fact a traitor.

  14. If I killed 120+ people and it was covered up for me I would be willing to do just about anything to keep it quiet. Blackmail is one of the global elites favorite tools.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    US sailor here. This allegation is bs. Electrical problem caused discharge of a weapon starting a massive fire. We are required to watch and train on this before entering a ship. Half the sailors used the foam to put out and contain the fire while the other half used seawater, which washed the foam away. Horrible tragedy but shame on you for posting this conspiracy crap just because he doesn't vote your way.

    July 28, 2017 at 8:02 AM

    You're the one who is bullshit. Just because you were once a sailor you know everything that happened before you were born even?

    Sorry, I believe the vets that were there over anyone else.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The Prophet has been telling about this for a very long time.

    July 28, 2017 at 11:47 AM

    You have issues, being passive-aggressive is one.


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