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Saturday, July 15, 2017

Report: Lynch Tapped Manafort's Phone During Trump Jr. Meeting With Russian Lawyer

According to a tweet by former Massachusetts Trump campaign official James Brower and first reported by independent journalist and author Jack Posobiec, former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort's phone was tapped by former Attorney General Loretta Lynch during the now infamous meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya - who was let into the United States under "extraordinary circumstances" by Obama's DOJ, headed by Lynch.

The meeting included Donald Trump Jr., Manafort, Jared Kushner, Natalia Veselnitskaya, and Fusion GPS associate Rinat Akhmetshin - a Russian-American lobbyist who confirmed today that he was present during the June 2016 sit-down.
Scoop: Manaforts phone was illegally bugged during meeting with Russian Lawyer, confirmed by multiple sources. Lynch ordered it.
The meeting was arranged by another Fusion GPS associate, Rob Goldstone - in what is looking more and more like a deep-state setup to justify FISA wiretapping warrants. Of note, Veselnitskaya is publicly anti-Trump.

Fusion GPS, the firm behind the discredited 35 page Trump-Russia 'dossier,' was co-founded by Glenn Simpson, who abruptly canceled his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee next week in light of recent events linking the democrat opposition research firm to a second attempt to take down the Trumps.



  1. This was a set up on a known Russian spy brought in by OBAMA.

  2. Why worry about Russians when the Lynch DOJ is trying to manipulate the election?

  3. 10:38 AM I believe you meant to say - The Russians, a false narrative, was created by the Democrats, and was created as a distraction to the fact that the DOJ was trying to manipulate the election

  4. Obama, Obama, his corrupt hands are all over it. Now we know what he meant when he told Dmitry Medvedev he'd have more flexibility.
    As usual, when Democrats make an accusation they are guilty of the crime.


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