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Monday, July 17, 2017

Rainbow Mafia Politicizes Gender-Reveal Parties

This is why we can't have nice things. An unborn baby's sex organs are now the purview of social justice warriors.

Is it a boy or a girl? It used to be such an innocent question. Now, mothers aren’t just politically incorrect for throwing a gender-reveal baby shower; they’re also considered by the Left to be a danger to their children. Even more troubling, the American medical community is starting to comply with the homosexual agenda.

Like everything else in the twisted ideology of progressivism, words no longer mean what they mean. Gender has been co-opted so that it no longer has anything to do with one’s anatomy. Instead, gender is a malleable political term describing how one feels about oneself, and it’s used to advance a political and cultural agenda.

On the surface it seems innocent. It always does. The notion that we shouldn’t force our children to think of themselves as boys or girls may seem harmless at first, but there’s a broader objective: to completely alter the social structure of our civilization and to undermine our values.

As a society, we used to believe that failing to properly raise children as boys or girls was emotionally and psychologically damaging. Now the Left is successfully turning that thinking on its head.

In an article for Cosmopolitan magazine, Diane Stopyra opines, “My discomfort with the gender-reveal party goes beyond my standard objection to fanfare surrounding gestational markers — which is primarily that, because we don’t celebrate non-pregnancy-related milestones with the same enthusiasm, we’re reinforcing the archaic notion that a woman’s value rests squarely in her ability to grow tiny humans. The issue with gender-reveal parties in particular is: Aren’t they potentially damaging to said tiny humans?”



  1. We can't swing a dead cat by the tail without hitting someone who will be offended by something, including swinging the dead cat.

  2. I really don't care if people want to be some kind of crazy gender. I don't understand it at all but it's not hurting me. That being said, the more you talk about this kind of stuff the more power it gives them lol

  3. I dislike how this author and others keep referring to these agendas as being "Left" or "Liberalism".
    These agendas are Communist.
    Again, the words have been coopted and their meanings have been changed.

    What many people do not realize is that the agenda is much more sinister than one might believe.
    The effort is to destroy culture in its entirety.
    Communism is Satansim.
    It is the destruction of the natural order.

  4. I try to live my life the way Jesus would want me to. Im not perfect at all but every day i strive to be better.

  5. We warned that after gay marriage they will come for your children.

  6. My children are able to think for themselves

  7. I don't see how revealing the sex of what the Left considers just a "clump of cells" could harm anyone.

  8. @ 3:28 that depends how old they are if they're in their 40's well I hope so if they are like ten then no they are not capable and you are a failed parent.

  9. if they were so concerned with babies and or its gender they wouldnt be so willing to kill so many every year...last time i knew there is only two genders...you are born with either a female part or a boy part...there is no in between....boy or girl...whats so hard to understand?

  10. Let me ask a question, please.

    When the developing person is seen in a sonogram, why can't any other genders but male and female be predicted?

  11. Big Brother's Ministry of Truth tells us what is true WAR IS PEACE< FREEDOM IS SLAVERY< IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH and we all love Big Brother. Big Brother is watching you.


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