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Monday, July 24, 2017

Parents end legal fight to treat Charlie Gard in the US

Charlie Gard's parents have withdrawn their application to take their terminally ill son to the US for treatment.

At the High Court, a lawyer representing Chris Gard and Connie Yates told Mr Justice Francis that "time had run out" for the 11-month-old.

Barrister Grant Armstrong said the experimental treatment the family had been pursuing cannot now offer any chance of improving Charlie's condition.

He explained that Charlie's parents had made the decision to withdraw their application after reviewing the latest medical reports and scans from Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Charlie suffers from a rare genetic condition which causes progressive muscle weakness. He also has brain damage.

Mr Armstrong told the court that the damage to Charlie's muscle and tissue was now irreversible, adding: "The parents' worst fears have been confirmed. It is now too late to treat Charlie."



  1. Keep cheering for your socialized one payer medical.
    This is what you will get.

  2. So sorry too hear this. My heart goes out to parents. (map)

  3. "It's now too late" how awful. I'm so sad for Charlie and his family.

  4. The demonic lefties have a more humane sounding term for it. In my book it is a death panel.. YOU DIE WHEN DENIED!


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