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Sunday, July 16, 2017

On Sunday, May 7th 2017 WE SAID...

5 Way Roundabout Coming To Downtown Salisbury

This just goes to show all of you just how good our sources are and how slow the rest of the local media is. Today they finally got on board on this story, go figure. Just another CLUSTER from the Boy Mayor. Nevertheless, welcome aboard WBOC. 


  1. Please don't tell me this is his solution to riverside, mill & east Carroll intersection?? People those of you that befriend Day and support his mayoral aspirations use some common sense and be truthful in the absolute insanity in this proposal


  2. Hope they have plenty of bike lane space in this extravaganza.

    The bike lanes are so terribly crowded on Mt. Hermon Rd. that they're carving up chunks of Bus. Rt. 50 for more. Hope the newly refurbished bridges on the bypass have sufficient bike lanes, too.

    Won't be long before the tourist hordes from PA, OH, WV, VA and the western shore start to spend their vacations pedaling to and from the beach. The local economy will get a major boost when they stop to use the facilities. end of sarc.

    It's just another foolish use of dollars and space. Any intersection with 5 feeder roads has more traffic volume, and a wide array of vehicles passing through. None of these things have been constructed with sufficient space for larger vehicles to navigate.

  3. Works great in Georgetown, Fruitland, Federalsburg should be just fine in Salisbury!!!!

    1. Show me a five way roundabout in one of those towns that include RT 50 less than 500 ft away!! This is lunacy!!

  4. 9:52 PM The point is not whether or not it will work. The point is whether or not the effort and expense is necessary. Also, there is not a lot of confidence in the ability to complete the project successfully. Have you seen Main St. lately? For that matter, you don't have to have seen Main St. lately. It looks the same as it has for months and months. The intersection where the roundabout is pending is not in need of a solution. There is no problem. At the busiest of times, the wait is two lights at the most. Most times of day it is just an average intersection. Where's the problem? There are more backups caused by the bridge being up than the intersection itself. Just another excuse to spend someone else's money.

  5. What a joke this will be and unfortunately I will have to use this stupid thing. I want to see what will happen when the fire engines go barreling through and side swipe all the cars along the way. Whatever Salisbury is becoming a joke and I wish I could get out of town.

  6. The light at Rt. 50 & Mill Street will back up traffic at the circle and gridlock it so bad that when it does turn green, the circle will remain clogged!

    What an idiotic idea!

  7. Planning was needed long ago. A 5 way roundabout is just more gridlock, there are traffic lights involved at Main St. and Rt. 50, what about when they change and everything still gets backed up? How is the roundabout going to prevent backups from happening? I just don't get it.

  8. Wiser minds than ours are supposed to have studied and planned this. Let's see if they are.

    If it's good, yay for everybody.
    If it's not, it'll be a part of Day's legacy as is the waste water treatment plant forever Barrie Tilghman's.

  9. You might as well assign a city police officer from your great bicycle patrol division to each entrance into this latest greatest brain fart to manage damage control from 3pm daily mon-fri

  10. The problem here is people have seen through the Jake Day facade and realize this young man is by no means qualified or competent enough to be out front in a true leadership role, he's living in some sort of fantasy world and not strong enough or gritty enough to tackle what Salisbury is in need of. After tilghman, Ireton and now Day Salisbury needs someone that truly wants to take back your city streets. RIP Colbourne Dykes that don't make them like you anymore

    1. MANUP boy stop hiding behind your mayoral status and playing weekend warrior and two weeks out if the summer and give some of the real soldiers a break do a deployment or two so they can spend time with wives and families

  11. After hearing and reading about some of Day's true aspirirations I would bet what's really tickling his fancy is the piece or pieces of ART that will displayed

  12. One of the Biggest problems with that intersection is ..DRIVERS RUNNING the red light and blocking the intersection coming off Riverside drive !!!!! Everybody in a dang Hurry !! All the time !!!!

  13. It's going to be the perfect spot for the cellphone use cameras. It's going to make a LOT of money for Salisbury!

  14. People please feel free to be entertained the second and fourth week of the month and join the BOY mayor at their THRIVE meetings and see how they come up with some of their creative process. The entertain the idea that they are thriving in the midst of death and turmoil in Salisbury's streets. But be warned don't drink the "kool-aid" you wouldn't want to think you are winning while the rest of us face finding a dead body in a convience store rest room, or being forced to take down a chain link fence, or be given inside information on profiting of city state funded development. Oh the things that go on behind the doors of some of your church and civic establishments.

    1. For those of us that have had dealings with big mouth cropper what say he about all these ridiculous proposals by his wonder boy high visibility member? Thosof us that know if his bunch beyond the façades they present you know it is all about them and their personal agendas. They will use whatever office be it city government or the pulpit to do so. For cropper its refreshing to watch this whole baseball thing steady going down the toilet. He was quoted as saying to a lot of high school kids not in the too distant past not all kids have the talent to play at certain levels. Guess what big mouth 2013,2016,2017 came and went still no call. Heck you could have offered to pay a team this past year and still nothing.

  15. The idiots can't figure out how to use the one in Fruitland.

  16. Fruitland does work but there was a lot more room and the traffic coming in has room to back up in its really busy. Georgetown's circle is huge so you can't compare. The mess will occur at Rt. 50 and the light at the draw bridge. Will be an epic fail.

  17. How about they finish Main Street first???!!!???

  18. and people, drivers IN the circle have the right-of-way, not people trying to enter the circle.

    don't block the box. (stopping in the middle of an intersection)

    Don't stop at an entrance to a residence or business so people cannot enter or leave.

    don't have your vehicle only part-way in a turn lane (or any other lane) so people cannot get by you.

    that's enough for now. more basic lessons later.

  19. The duds around here can't even handle a regular traffic light, stop signs and 2 lanes give me a break. What is the City Council and Fake Jake using a crystal balls, fortune tellers, palm readers, what's next?


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