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Sunday, July 02, 2017

OK Boy Mayor, Now You've Really Pissed Me Off!

While your inexperienced Boy Mayor created two new Deputy Director positions that pay $71,000.00 to $82,000.00 a year, EACH, this is the kind of BS we're going to get now?

I mean, Holy Crap, WHAT HATE CRIMES? I thought crime was down! I've been at this for 13 years and the ONLY "HATE CRIME" I can recall is the one below where two black girls tried impersonating white people at Salisbury University and guess what, NO CHARGES were filed!

Ladies & Gentlemen, I truly cannot tell you just how pissed off I am at this fabricated BS. These Liberals are now making things up and creating things, implying we have a problem here. Well, perhaps we do, starting with their own Liberal Party. 

Arrest Hillary Clinton and all the other Liberals that fabricated Fake News. When Salisbury News broke the story below DAYS before the rest of the media picked it up, it wasn't Fake News. It was as real as it gets. If it hadn't gone national I'm sure the rest if the Liberal Media would've swept it under the rug. 

I'm simply sick and tired of this nonsense and it needs to STOP. So Boy Mayor, do tell ALL of us just what other hate crime is going on, who has been arrested and who has been prosecuted for such said crimes? We're waiting!


After realizing it was two black students who drew the picture, they decided not to press criminal charges.

But after realizing it was two black students who drew the picture – which showed the hangman crying, included the N-word with an arrow pointed at the stick figure, as well as the message #whitepower – they decided not to press criminal charges.


  1. Why does WCDC have 3 directors? This is such a waste.

  2. $71,000.00 to $82,000.00 a year.
    To orchestrate festivals?

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Where may I apply for one of those jobs?

  5. 652 you can't. The jobs were already given to Day and Glanz's drinking buddies. They made the jobs up for them. These postings were merely obligatory to show compliance with the law.

  6. What about the old man that was beaten by blacks on Monticello? Of course the were let go.

  7. city leadership is null and void. so sad.

  8. I just don't know how much more BS they can come up with. This hate crime BS, is just that, BS. Anyway nothing derogatory or negative ever happens in Salisbury, remember? So what is Boy Mayor talking about???


  9. Nonsense like this posting by the city is just posturing to be with the 'in crowd' of progs/libs/socialist/etc. Most who see it will have no clue as to the reality of the less wonderful parts of town.

    He knows that.

  10. If those two positions didn't exist the city would be able to install and remove the river walk railings about 6 more times.

  11. According to the defintion of hate crime, all the recent rapes qualify. Perhaps that's why they are not being reported.

    There was also the hate crime on the Republican headquarters a couple doors down from the Mayor's office. I believe someone spray painted racists on the windows. I'm almost positive that there were several cameras that could have picked up footage and that was never released and probably never pursued.

    Sorry Mayor Day but actions speak louder than words.

  12. Are they talking about Jim Iretons hate crime in MOJOS bathroom or on the beach at Rehomo ?

  13. "We chose not to hate". Should be "The city of Salisbury, a division of Devreco".

  14. Just another DAY in the DA'BURY!

  15. Typical democrat. Lies and makes up stuff to deflect from the real issues Salisbury faces-lack of good paying jobs, poverty, low home ownership.....the list is endless.

  16. There are plenty of hate crimes! To many to name but most of all they are not labeled hate crimes simply because its not a white on black crime.....seems like the only time they are usually labeled that is because "African" AMERICANS want to shove the race card in the face of every situation they can when it involves a white person against any other race! If people fight for equal rights but hold themselves above others for the past transgressions of others then what is the equality you seek? If a white person in a predominantly black neighborhood gets harassed by cops why is that not racial profiling? Some peoples sense of EQUALITY is unbalanced and unequal!

  17. Hate crimes don't just regard race! I'm sure most have negative outlooks and hateful thoughts and actions towards our suffering drug addicts in the communities but what if those said people are on the beginning stages of doing they're best to fix they're problem and everyone treats them as they are trash instead of lifting up? Is this not hate crimes?

  18. 6:36, Thank you for your comment but I must respectfully disagree. You say there are too many to mention but you offer not one example. This is a snowflake move by the Mayor and his new child staff. They wanted attention, they got it. This is not how you operate a business. Salisbury has way too many serious issues they must face and instead they are wasting time on manufactured news. The big question is, who's big enough to run for Mayor the next go around. Why do you think they pay so little to run a $35,000,000.00 a year business?

  19. I do agree on the outlook of the mayor and how the money and actions could be better used to better our communities! I didn't use any exact examples simply BC there is no purpose to for its a matter of opinion. If you believe there is no hate crimes in Salisbury then you can't be involved to much in the county. Hate crimes are not just on race but hate or they would be hate crimes! If needed let me know and I can compile a list for you. I do agree however that this city government is not ran for the people but for the ones who run it. The law is picked and chosen which laws to uphold by the ones enforcing the law and most of the time its for financial gain not to better the ones they are sworn to protect and serve.

  20. 6:41, You can't be serious?

    If you ever wondered what a snowflake is, you are a perfect example.

    So addicts who break the law by abusing ILLEGAL drugs are discriminated against and bullied are now considered a hate crime? You do realize in order to financially support their habits usually cause them to steal and break other laws, yet they should be respected and treated better?

    I'm losing all faith in real men and women any more in America. Take off those pussy hats and grow the hell up. We need to create a territory in America for these snowflakes.

  21. 6:56, you have no credibility because you do not offer even one example. Look, I provided one in the original post. Yet Liberals gave black girls a free ride on what clearly is a hate crime, SO WHAT'S THE POINT of the City's position then? It's complete BS, period, or didn't you get that.

  22. Let me add, what about all the RAPES in Salisbury. Isn't that more important to address then a fabricated hate crime topic? Instead, your Boy Mayor LIES by stating crime is down and that RAPES aren't as bad as Salisbury News states. Give me a break. We're going by what the SPD puts out there. How many have gone unreported? How many women were scared to death by detectives because RAPE cases are so hard to prove and cost the taxpayers much more money then easy laydown cases against scared young people.

    Here's an idea. How about the hate crime local Police use against young, vulnerable people who don't have the funds to defend themselves, black and white.

  23. The only hate crime we have to concern ourselves with and that are REAL are Muslims against non-Muslims. God forbid if something were to happen in Sby the city would be ill prepared. They couldn't even get it together enough to help with the break away barge the other day. At the minimum they should have tried to secure it until other help came to keep it from causing any damage. It's a shame what has become of Sby-The Crotch of the Eastern Shore.

  24. The only reason crime ever appeared to be down around here is because normal people (the victims) have given up wasting their time reporting it to SPD. Nothing EVER gets done. EVER.

  25. Yeah, don't ever count on that SPD clown Koerner solving anything. He couldn't find his azz with both hands.


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