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Thursday, July 20, 2017

OCPD Enlists Help From Outside Agencies For Weekend’s Unsanctioned Event

OCEAN CITY — It remains to be seen if an unsanctioned “College Beach Weekend” event scheduled for this weekend passes quietly without any major incidents, but the town and its police department and allied agencies certainly appear to be prepared.

In June, the Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) issued a warning about an unsanctioned event planned for this weekend that will likely bring thousands of unruly college-age visitors to the resort, reminiscent of a similar unsanctioned and unannounced event during the same time period last summer. The College Beach Weekend event is being promoted on various social media platforms encouraging participants to come to Ocean City on those dates for a variety of planned activities.

This time around, however, the OCPD and its allied law enforcement agencies from across the Lower Shore have been carefully planning for the unsanctioned event’s arrival and are taking steps to ensure against a repeat of last July’s high-profile incidents. In an open letter to the citizens of Ocean City, OCPD Chief Ross Buzzuro last week advised residents and visitors the department has been meticulously planning for this weekend’s unsanctioned event.



  1. Lawyers will waiting for their phones to ring $$$$$$$$$.

  2. What a horrible PC world we live in nowadays.
    I guess it's OK if you read between the lines and figure out for yourself exactly what is going on here.
    First of all, it has absolutely NOTHING - zero - to do with "College".
    It's simply a call for a mob to "takeover" (a term used by the promoter of this event in the past) the Town of Ocean City.
    You've seen photos of mobs organizing raids in 7-11's, and even department stores. This is exactly what this is but on a much grander scale.
    This is the 4th in a series over the years of this type of event. The first three ended horribly.
    The first one, I recall, was complete anarchy, especially around the area (and inside) the Princess Grand hotel.
    It was completely unexpected, being called a "Reunion Weekend" by the organizer.
    The OC Police could do nothing but stand by and watch this play out. When I asked an officer why they didn't intercede, his response was, "We knew we were out-gunned."
    Let's hope the town is a bit more prepared this time around.

  3. Is there a circus ringleader in the area for rent?

  4. 1:49...what is the date of this promotion so I can leave the area?

  5. 3:40 Try reading the article.

  6. The real problems are going to be at the front doors of clubs, especially two major clubs, when they enforce a "dress code" and try to turn people away.
    We all really know what the dress code is all about. It's enforced to keep the "college students" out.
    The students ain't gonna like it. Bouncers will absolutely earn their money this weekend.

  7. wait, isn't there a 72 hour "nobody kill anybody" happening in Baltimore?

    Guess we know where all the Baltimorons will be this weekend!!!!!

    "Git ready City FAIL, you are being watched very closely!"

  8. well they will be after the libs daughters of the wimpy fathers that allow this stuff

  9. News flash. The kids are already arriving.

  10. Saw a few of the first arrivals of the College Students tonight in the parking lot at a mid-town nightclub.
    Four guys (probably fraternity brothers), about 25 to 30 years old, in a white 2017 Yukon sporting four custom rims that had to go at least a thousand bucks a pop.
    Made me think I should have applied myself a little more during my years at Virginia Tech.


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