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Thursday, July 20, 2017

Obama Aide Breaks Silence, Revealed All: WH Team Used Jobs to Sleep With Women, President Dropped F-Bomb

There have been a lot of comparisons made between Barack Obama and Donald Trump. Liberals like to claim that Obama brought class to the White House, while Trump is crass and unprofessional. But new revelations from one of Obama’s speechwriters paints quite a different picture.

David Litt began working for the Obama administration as a speechwriter at the young age of 24. He worked for the administration for most of the eight years Obama was in office and has now published a book about his experiences. “Thanks, Obama: My Hopey Changey White House Years” details what life was like behind closed doors in the Obama administration.

According to Litt, he was part of an all-male, all-white team of speechwriters, all under 40, who would use their White House status to pick up women. Litt said that they all smoked, drank, called each other “bro” and pretended to like college basketball in order to keep Obama happy.



  1. LOL obama "brought class to the White House"? What a lie. The obama's are 100 percent pure ghetto. They brought to the White House the putridest types-those who sell poison in the form of "music" that glorifies drugs and violence and disrespect of women. Even that daughter of the ghetto trash couple was caught wearing a shirt with on it one of those loser they call "musicians." Both obamas lied and still lie constantly. They are very violent people. They promoted violence-which makes them too violent- by pitting groups of people against others. And just like the rest of the ghetto dwellers they stole from tax payers by spending money they didn't have to and that wasn't theirs. Any black with any morals would be ashamed at the "1st black president" but most aren't because if truth be told most blacks are too lacking in any morals. This is the root of all the black on black crime but just like the obamas their dishonesty prevents them from admitting it. They prefer to lie and blame others.

  2. I wouldn't have expected any less from that group....a disgrace in history

  3. At least we can thank obummer for President Trump.

  4. Another candidate for the Soros / Hillary Mafia. What odds is Las Vegas giving?


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